Chapter 43

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     I can't believe I'm 19 already. It feels like yesterday that I was a little seven year old staring on some random show on the Disney Channel. It's as if it was just yesterday that I got my first legitimate movie roll. 

       All I wanted to be was a big kid. I would always ask my "mom" how I thought was like being an adult. She went on and on about it, telling me how glamorous it was. I believed it back then, and there's a part of me that still believes it now. Although I'm still a teenager, I'm out of he house, not by choice, but I'm still doing better than I thought I would be by now. If my life had stayed on course, I'd still be sitting at home being forced to think of some elaborate song in boredom. Oh how my life has turned for the better.

      I roll over with my eyes still closed hoping to find Michael. I quickly open my eyes to see that he's not there, but something else is. The whole ceiling is covered in balloons. On the string hanging off of the balloons are pictures of Michael and I. Each one has a different picture, making me smile. I slowly walk around the room, observing each picture carefully. Tears start to well up in my eyes as I bite my lip. My feet carry me back over to the bed where a letter is laid.

      Happy birthday Brynn. I had to run out quickly to go grab something, and I'll be back soon. The rest of the guys are waiting down by the pool for you. I'll hopefully see you soon. - MC <3

    As soon as I read the message, I automatically smile even more. Since I'm me, I frantically try to get ready as soon as possible, quickly throwing on a bathing suit before layering a sweatshirt over it and fixing my hair into a high ponytail. After quickly putting on some waterproof mascara, I head down to the pool. 12 out of the 13 remaining boys stand there with a pile of presents behind them, but that's not all. Each present has a drawing of a clock on it, confusing me. As soon as the boys spot me, Devin runs up and physically picks me up off of the ground while hugging me.

     "Happy birthday you munchkin," he smiles, spinning me in circles.

     "Thanks Dev," I laugh, patting his shoulder. He quickly puts me onto the ground again.

     "You slept in for a while. It's nine thirty," one of the boys comments, making me scoff.

     "That's barely anything," I defend myself.

     "Well your boyfriend woke us all up at six to help set stuff up. I'm drained,"  Jay admits, making me smile.

     "Tell me to thank him for that," I laugh, referring to all of them looking tired.

     "Haha very funny. Oh, and my mom wanted me to tell you that's she's coming to do your hair at two for your record label's birthday party for you," Mikey informs me, confusing me.

     "I just got signed; they wouldn't throw me a birthday party," I say, making the boys shrugged.

     "Your manager told Michael that there was one and that whatever we were planning for you had to be done by two, so you could go and get ready," Chance tells me. I frown at the statement.

      "Can you guys not go?" I ask, and they all shake their heads.

     "We aren't signed to that label, and none of us got invites," Marcus explains. I stick my bottom lip out.

     "Oh yay that sounds like fun," I fake, rolling my eyes.  My gaze turns back to the presents that all have the clocks on them.

      "We all have rehearsals today as well, so we're going to be rotating who's here at a time," Jaden tells me.

      "When is each group rehearsing?" I ask curiously.

     "All In, which is made up of Brady, Chance, Mikey, Marcus, and myself is practicing from 10 to 12. Undivided, Drew, Jaden, Devin, and Andrew Butcher, is  practicing from 1 to 3. Leveled, Michael, Jay, Cam, and Andrew Bloom, is practicing from 4 to 6.  We all also have to go in from 3 to 4 to work on the opening number," Sergio tells me as I sigh. 

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