Chapter 50

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Michael's POV

    "Wow, this is beautiful," Brynn smiles as her and I walk onto the roof. The sun is just setting, a beautiful wave of warm colors painting he sky.

     "A perfect place to escape to," I whisper in her ear, snaking my arms around her waist. I rest my head atop hers, having to bend over.

     "Especially with happy meals," she laughs, shaking the happy meal in her hands. Her head turns, and she kisses my cheek. We head over to a blanket that we had laid down a couple of nights before.

     "It feels so weird not having Jay here anymore," I admit softly, making her frown and hug my side. He was eliminated three nights ago, tearing me up. He left the morning after, but we've still been talking.

     "It does, but it just gives you more motivation to make the band, even though I have no doubt you'll make it. You're one of the most talented people I know," she coos, scooting into my lap. I wrap my arms around her once again.

     "I can already tell you who the band is going to be,"I say, and she raises her eyebrows.

     "Hit me with your best shot," she laughs, starting to hum the song.

     "Chance, Jaden, Devin, Brady, and Mikey," I state, and she looks at me, confused.

     "If it was up to me, there would be a band of ten, and we could bring Jay back," she remarks, and I nod.

     "We'd have a little bit of everything. That would be perfect," I kiss the top of her head. Her hand grabs onto mine.

      "How do you put up with me I'm such a bitch?" she laughs, and I shake my head.

     "You are not. You just have no tolerance with people you don't like," I say, and she nods.

     "So I have no tolerance with everyone except Mason, Suzy, Brayden, you, and all of the other boys on boy band," she giggles before taking a sip of her drink.

     "Ha you got a four piece chicken nugget meal, so your soda is smaller you loser," I joke, sticking my tongue out.

     "You meanie. Don't offend my soda like that," she fake gasps, pulling the soda towards her.

     "And they also gave you apple slices instead of extra fries," I start laughing, and she looks in her bag to see the apple slices when she explicitly said no apple slices. She grabs them and throws them over the side of the building to where they most likely hit someone.

     "God I swear people try to offer me apples so much," she frowns with a sigh.

      "Aren't you deathly allergic to them?" I ask, and she nods quickly.

     "Yeah. I ate some when I was three, and I had a severe allergic reaction. I had to be brought to the hospital," she admits. My fingers play with the ends of her hair, making her softly crinkle her nose while quietly giggling.

     "Are you allergic to anything else?" I question, eating a chicken nugget.

     "Nope, only apples," she tells me.


     "I wish you could see the stars from up here," Brynn points up to the sky. No stars are visible even though it's nighttime because of all of the pollution in LA.

     "That would really tie everything together," I add on. We stand near the edge of the building, leaning on the little railing that was installed up here.

     "I've been thinking over something, and I need your advice on it," she tells me, dramatically looking up at me.

     "What is it?" she frowns when I ask her.

     "Well, I'm debating whether or not to sue Bill," she sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. I've noticed that she doesn't call her father dad anymore, but by his first name.

     "Why do you want to sue him?" I start off.

     "Well, he is holding my property and won't give it to me. He won't let me go back for any of my stuff," she answers.

     "Did you ask him for it back?" I question.

     "Yeah. He refused to let me anywhere near his house. To top it off, he said if I asked any of you guys to go get it for me, he'd make sure you were eliminated as soon as possible. So if I sent you to go get it, he'd make sure you got eliminated this week no mater what. Even if you did the best in your group, he'd put you up. Even if you got more votes than whoever you were up against, he'd rig it so you'd make it home," she frowns.

     "He already wants to get me out of the competition. The guy hates me," I admit, making her laugh.

     "He hates you cause you make people happy, and the man hates seeing people happy. Seeing people miserable is his fuel," Brynn announces.

     "Brayden told me that he overheard him complaining about me to Megan," I laugh.

     "Wait, you talk to Brayden?" she seems interested.

     "Yeah I was working with him on something," I answer vaguely. She raises and eyebrow and wraps her arms around the back of my neck before standing on her tip toes to be closer to my eye level.

     "And what was that?" she breathes leaning in closer.

     "Well...," I start, but she cuts me off by slamming her lips into mine. I rest my hands on her hips as she pulls me closer. Right as we're getting started, the door to reach the roof opens, startling us.

     "I don't know if I should be happy or upset," Brayden laughs when he sees us. Brynn groans before hiding her face in my chest.

     "This has happened two times in the past couple of days," she frowns, and Brayden snickers.

     "Well that sucks for you because I need to borrow you. Dad told me to come collect you for some 'serious business,'" he scoffs, giving a dramatic eye roll.

     "How long will it take?" she sighs. Brayden shrugs, making eye contact with me.

     "I'd say she'll be back in twenty minutes," he softly smiles, making her groan.

     "Until then Prince Charming," she jokes, curtsying. I bow at her.

     "Until then princess," I reply, softly kissing her nose. She giggles like a little kid before disappearing with her brother.


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Happy 3 month anniversary to IRL, who are SLAYING THE GAME.

Where (in general) are you guys from? I'm interested to see where you guys come from.

This update was late guys I'm sorry :(

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