Chapter 36

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     "God this was such a bad idea," I breathe nervously as Michael and I power walk into the hospital.

     "No. We go live in two hours, which gives us plenty of time," he tries to disprove my point, but it only proves it.

     "You had to sneak out wearing that," I gesture to his bright pink shirt with a white stripe across it along with his actual outfit and the pounds of makeup they make the boys wear.

     "I feel suffocated by all of this makeup I swear," he admits before a group of girls comes over to us, squealing.

     "Oh my god it's Brynn Williams!" they announce, and several more people come over. I love my fans with a passion, but sometimes you're in a rush to get something done. 

     "Hey guys. I'm kind of in a...," I start, but the crowd is so loud they can't hear me. They start to get closer, and I know we can't make it back at this rate.

     "Oh my gosh it's Michael Conor. Brychael is real!" a girl screams, and a cheer of agreeance comes over the crowd.

     "What's in the bag?" someone else yells, gesturing to the bag I'm holding in my hand. The hospital security walks over and moves the crowd away.

     "I love you guys, but I'm in a hurry," I make a hand heart at them before tugging at Michael's sleeve. Out of nowhere, I start to see flashes of people with cameras outside the hospital, oh great. They start to walk inside, but Michael and I move away quickly before signing in and heading a couple of floor levels up in the elevator. We get out before knocking on the door.

     "Come in!" Karen's voice tells us. The two of us walk in to see little Mason lying on a hospital bed.

     "Brynn!" he squeals, his face lighting up. I laugh and walk over to him.

     "Hey buddy. I've missed you," I coo, hugging him softly. 

     "I missed you too. I even drew a picture," he smiles proudly, and Karen, his grandma, nods.

     "He would not stop talking about meeting you. He kept going on and on and on," she informs me, making me smile.

     "Well that's great cause I talked to my friends about him," I say, and his eyes widen as his cute little kid dimples pop out.

     "Really!?!" he asks in disbelief, and I nod.

     "I even brought one of them with me," I tell him, pointing over to Michael. He gasps.

     "Michael Conor!" he squeals with a little clap at the end.

     "Wait, you know who he is?" I ask, and he nods rapidly.

     "He's my favorite on Boy Band. He's got the cool instrument, and he's a rapper, and he can also sing, and he's got the floofy hair," he goes on, making a little hand gesture when he says floofy hair.

     "He's my favorite too," I admit to him, and his eyes widen as a little, mischievous smile comes across his face.

     "I need to ask you a question," he says, beckoning with his little hands for me to come over.

     "Can't you just ask me out loud?" I ask, but he quickly shakes his head.

     "It's a secret," he attempts to whisper, but everyone can still hear him. I nod before leaning over. He grabs my face with one of his tiny hands and turns it.

     "Do you have a crush on him?" he asks quietly with a little giggle at the end. I nod at him, making him squeal.

     "Really?" he questions, excitedly. His eyes are huge as he waits for a response.

     "Yeah, I really like him," I tell him.

     "Then ask him out you silly," he gives me advice, making these big, elaborate hand gestures like little children tend to do.

      "Can I tell you a secret?" I ask him before he nods repetitively. I lean in right next to his ear.

     "Yeah," he hums, bouncing in excitement.

     "He's my boyfriend," I whisper, and his jaw drops. 

     "Your boyfriend is Michael Conor!" he yells in disbelief. Michael walks up behind me and gives me a hug. I turn around and quickly kiss his shoulder.

     "Uh huh," I hum.

    "Michael and Brynn sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," he laughs like it's the funniest thing ever, making me smile.

     "Kiss," he commands, and I peck Michael on the lips, making him start to giggle even more. Karen sits over in the corner with a permanent smile plastered across her face.

     "We have a present for you," I announce, and Mason stops laughing and looks right at me.

    "What is it?" he asks, fiddling with his hands. Michael hands me the bag before I pull three shirts out of it.

     "We have matching shirts!" I exclaim, handing him a shirt. As soon as he gets the shirt, he hugs it against his chest.

     "Thank you thank you thank you," he repeats, making my face glow.

     "And guess what it says," I tell him. He stares at it long and hard, his eyebrows furrowed.

     "I can't read," he glares at the shirt.

     "It says 'Mason is a masterpiece,'" I tell him.

     "That's my name!" he exclaims, waving the shirt in the air.

     "Exactly. Now, will you take a picture with Michael and me with the shirt on?" I ask.

      "Of course," he remarks, slipping the shirt on himself. I quickly put mine on, and so does Michael. I hand the phone to Karen who takes the picture. My automatic reaction is to make that my screensaver, which I do, before slipping my phone back in my pocket. Michael starts talking to Karen about something irrelevant, so I go and sit over by Mason.

     "Brynn," Mason pokes my shoulder as I'm looking over at Michael.

     "Yeah Mason," I give him my undivided attention.

     "Do you love Michael?" he asks. I look over at my boyfriend, his nose scrunched up in that adorable little way he does when he laughs. Every inch of his skin is still flawless, even with all of the makeup on it. His hand runs through his hair for like the seventieth time this half hour. I think back to the past couple of weeks, all of the tears and joy that've been shared, all of the times that he dropped what he was doing to come and help me. At this very moment, I noticed something.

     I'm in love with Michael Conor.

Their faces in this picture kill me

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Their faces in this picture kill me. Guys get ready for what's coming up cause it's about to get real.

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