Chapter 23

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Michael's POV

     "Where the hell did you guys out my phone?" I ask Alexa and Jay. Alexa looks at Jay expectantly while he does the same back to her. Angel stands off some to the side since she really isn't in this.

     "Alexa was supposed to pick it up," Jay defends himself, crossing his arms. Alexa rolls her eyes.

     "You were the one sitting on it," she defends, making my eyes widen.

     Alexa and I have been friends since we were little. We were practically inseparable, always by each other's sides. We drifted away from each other once I started homeschool, but we were still friends. 

     The two of us had planned a trip down to LA, but since I already got flown out here, there was an extra plane ticket, which is where Angel comes in. Apparently she begged Alexa to let her come along and how it could be "a good bonding experience."

      "Wait, so neither of you guys have my phone?" I ask, making them both look down. I groan, scrunching my nose and eyes up in annoyance.

      "No, but I'll go look for it right now," Jay declares before running off, and as soon as he leaves, Sergio appears out of nowhere. He walks over to me and smiles.

     "What's up?" Sergio asks, and I shrug, confusing Alexa and Angel. They assumed that I didn't gain a lot of new friends considering my "internship" is for "some big company." There isn't typically that many younger people there, so they though Jay was a friend that I got off of a total fluke.

     "Nothing Sergibro. How about you?" I reply, making the girls tilt their heads some.

     "I'm doing good. Who are these girls? Is one of them your girlfriend?" he asks, and my eyes automatically widen.

     "No, no, no, no, no. No offense to Michael, but I wouldn't date him. We've been friends for too long," Alexa quickly recovers, and Angel seems salty.

       "Good, because MC here found himself a girl," Sergio nudges me, and I slap his arm away. Alexa lets out a huge smile, but her eyes still widen.

       "You haven't had a girlfriend since Gina, and she practically ripped your heart out of your chest. I'm so proud of you!" she hugs me, and I glare at Sergio. Angel's gaze becomes fierce, and it's directed towards Sergio,

     "I do not have a girlfriend," I tell her, making her frown.

      "They're 'just friends' although they literally do everything like a couple would. Like they cuddle all the time," he smirks, and I elbow him in the side.

     "We do not," I defend in attempt to be stern, but a small smile starts to come across my face.

     "Do I need to show the photographic evidence?" Sergio says. Alexa's face lights up, and she nods her head.

     "Yes do it," she pushes, and I send him a look that tells him not to.

      "Not at all," I inform him sternly, and he nods. Suddenly, a large echo of cheers comes out of nowhere, and I see a ton of people mob a small section of the set up area.

     "Can I at least see a picture of her?" Alexa pushes, and Sergio shakes his head.

     "No can do," he responds, making her frown. A loud chorus of booing now starts in a different section, and I can see two girls getting pelted with whatever the people can throw at them.

     "Go away you sluts!" one person screams throwing popcorn at them. The two of them keep attempting to push through.

     "No one likes you guys!" another person announces, throwing some other various item at them.

     "You don't have to try to make everything about you!" some twelve year old boy screams, actually surprising me. Out of nowhere, a set of guards gets between them and the crowd. The two girls keep walking until they are right in front of us. These girls look really familiar, one especially. She has freckle she sprinkled underneath her eyes with brown hair and hazel eyes.

     "You're Michael right?" the super familiar girl asks, and I nod, curious as to why she knows my name. I quickly glance over and see Sergio staring at the girl's friend, bringing  a soft smile to my face.

     "Yeah. Why?" I ask, and I hear a shriek behind me.

       "Oh my god it's Michael Conor. We need to get him to meet Brynn ASAP!" a girl yells from afar, stressing me out.

      "Do you know where Brady is? I've been looking for him all over, and I'm still unable to find him," she asks, and it pieces together in my head. This is Brady's celebrity crush that he's been texting.

      "I think he is just showing up. He was one of the last of my friends to get here," I tell her, making her nod. Sergio is still looking at the other girl, and I feel a plan brew in my head.

     "Okay thank you. I'll wait around here and tell him if you see him," she responds politely, shocking me yet not shocking me at the same time. It shocks me that a person in one of the most famous bands globally has manners, but it doesn't at the same time because Brady likes her.

     "The two of you can hang out with Sergio while you wait for him," I suggest, nudging Sergio. He slightly blushes but nods.

     "I'm down with that," her friend says. I wave, patting Sergio on the back and turning away. I'm met with a crowd of teenage girls and none of my friends.

     "Oh my gosh Michael you need to meet Brynn!" they all yell something along the lines of that, attempting to bring me forward. I resist it at first, but eventually don't  care and just walk with them.

     "Can I have my friend back?" Alexa asks one of the girls in the group once she finds us.

     "Ew is he your boyfriend?" she asks, making her roll her eyes.

     "No, but I still want to hang out with my best friend. I'll join you and walk over there, but I'm not going to be excluded from hanging out with my best friend," she sasses before sliding into the middle of the circle.

 I'll join you and walk over there, but I'm not going to be excluded from hanging out with my best friend," she sasses before sliding into the middle of the circle

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Sorry this chapter sucked so bad. I procrastinated another chapter until late at night

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