Chapter 25

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Sergio's POV

     "Look at them," I smile, looking over at Brady and Courtney. The two of them are sitting on a bench, laughing over a comment Brady made about something on his phone. Adriana looks over at me with a smile and nods. 

     "Seeing the two of them together makes me wonder why she doesn't just leave everything related to Isaiah behind," she laughs, looking at the two of them. I hear a roar of cheers, encouraging me to look at the direction of the cheers. As I look, I see Michael talking to Brynn, making me laugh.

     "Wow," I gasp at the amount of cheers, making her laugh.

     "Anything Brynn does gets applauded heavily, but I have to say the two of them would be a cute couple, but not as cute as those two," she points back over to Brady and Courtney who are conversing over something completely different. Brady starts laughing hysterically. He goes to lean over, but there is nothing there, causing him to fall on the ground, Courtney starts laughing even more, and I take a picture of the two. Brady stands up, his cheeks flaming from embarrassment, before sitting down again.

     "What do you mean by 'anything Brynn does gets applauded heavily'?" I ask, making her shrug.

     "Brynn is the princess of pop. She gets whatever she wants and is showered with love that she doesn't work that hard for. She can walk out in public, touch a fire Hydrant, and if suddenly becomes sacred within her fans," she rants, her gentle features contrasting against her hair.

      "Courtney!" I stern voice says from the crowd, pushing their way through everyone until they stand in the front. Towering there with his dark hair and sky blue eyes is Isaiah.

     "What are you doing here Isaiah?" Courtney stands up, confused. He visibly scoffs while Brady sinks into the bench.

     "I was coming to visit my beautiful girlfriend when I saw an asshole flirting with her," he snarls right at Brady. Courtney glares at him, not taking any of this.

     "Brady isn't like that," she defends. Isaiah rolls his eyes, making my fist have a strong urge to connect with his jaw, but I refrain.

     "Sit down princess," Isaiah coos, physically grabbing Brady up by the collar of his shirt to stand him up. Courtney crosses her arms, standing in place. A roar of the word "fight" start flying through the air, making me worried. Brady is like a brother to me, and in no way, shape, or form would I ever want him to get hurt.

     "Can't we just talk this over like civilized people? It was just a misunderstanding," Brady attempts to explain, but Isaiah grabs him before throwing him at the closest wall, sending him hurdling towards it, smashing his arm on it first before he falls face first on the ground.

      "Obviously a civilized person wouldn't want to steal another man's girl," he snarls, heavily breathing. Courtney looks at him in disgust before running over to Brady who is lain flat on the ground in pain.

     "Leave Isaiah," Courtney commands, but he refuses. He pushes her away from Brady and kicks him square in the jaw before hitting him right in the eye. Out of nowhere, Courtney's fist collides with Isaiah's jaw, sending him stumbling backwards.

     "I will talk to you later," she tells him, but he shakes his head with a bitter laugh thrown in at the end.

     "I'm not leaving you alone with that worthless piece of shi..." he starts before getting cut off.

     "What were you about to say about Brady?" a familiar voice asks. Isaiah turns around, revealing Chance, Andrew Bloom, Devin, Cam, Cameron, and myself once I run over to join the group last minute.

       "N-nothing," he sqeaks, looking directly at Chance. He swallows nervously as all of us just stare at him.

     "Leave,"  Courtney commands, making Isaiah scoff but still look at her.

       "I love you ba..." he begins.

     "No I will talk to you later about this," she cuts him off, widening my eyes. He stomps away like a two year old. By the time I look over, Cam and Courtney are already right next to Brady.

     "He's out cold," Cam says. Chance begins to dial 911 while I look down at my limp, lifeless friend. A coating of blood still trickles down from his nose while his whole face is bright red. Courtney puts her head to his chest and sighs.

     "He's still breathing," she assures us, letting me calm down some. My phone starts to ring, so I pick it up automatically.

     "Tell the other boys to get their asses in the car because they are grounded," Mr. Williams says, shocking me.

     "You're grounding us?" I ask, making him laugh bitterly.

     "Of course," he answers before disconnecting the call. I look at the other guys who are worried.

       "Get to the van," I mouth, and they all scurry away quickly.

      "I'm so sorry," Courtney says before awkwardly patting his hand. Some of the other guys like Mikey and Marcus emerge from the crowd and start walking on the path to get to the van.

     "The ambulance is going to be here soon, don't worry," I convince Courtney before having to leave one of my best friends a bloody mess on the ground.

     "The ambulance is going to be here soon, don't worry," I convince Courtney before having to leave one of my best friends a bloody mess on the ground

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About the voting thing last chapter, I chose option 3 HA LOL. Also, I'm waiting three minutes until I post this so I can say TODAY SERGIO IS 17. ONE MORE YEAR UNTIL HE CAN RIDE THE MECHANICAL BULL. Happy birthday Sergibro. I didn't even purposely make this chapter from Sergio's POV on purpose but it just happened

  Mad coincidence

  Mad coincidence

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