Chapter 51

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Michael's POV

     It's been an hour, one full hour, and she isn't back yet. There's something wrong.

     "Courtney! Brady!" I call, running over to the two of them who are heading out to the pool. They turn around, hand in hand, confused.

     "Hi Michael," Brady smiles while looking concerned.

     "Do you know where Brynn is?" I ask, and Courtney looks even more confused.

     "We saw her come back around thirty minutes ago. She said she was going up to your room with you," she tells me, and Brady nods.

     "She said,'I'm just heading upstairs to Michael's room to talk to him.' Then practically ran away," Brady informs me.

     "She never talked to me, and she knew I wasn't going to be in my room," I respond, tilting my head slightly in confusion.

     "Brynn did seem kind of weird. She seemed stressed," Courtney tells me, and Brady nods.

     "She was talking really quick," he says, and Courtney agrees with him.

     "She's probably still in your room. You could see what's wrong with her," Courtney suggest, and Brady kisses her on the cheek. Although I'm stressed, I still smile at how cute they are.

     "That'd be smart. Thank you guys," I smile before turning around and jogging up to my room. I pull out my room key, but the door opens, revealing Brynn with a suitcase behind her.

    "M-Michael," she looks at me with wide eyes. I look between her and the suitcase, feeling a heavy feeling in my chest.

     "Brynn, what's this?" I ask weakly, pointing to her suitcase.

     "I'm leaving. I don't know where to, but I'm getting away from here," she tells me, not looking me in the eyes.

     "W-what no you can't leave," I begin to protest, my eyes starting to get watery.

     "Look Michael, you're a cool guy. I had fun over the summer with you, but...," she starts, and I know where she's going.

     "Brynn no. I love you. We can make this work," I whisper, my voice starting to sound hoarse.

     "Listen. I'm sorry. I really am, but I don't love you. I never did. In fact, I never had any feelings for you," she tells me, and I try to blink away the tears and stay strong.

     "But what about...," I begin, but she cuts me off.

     "My dad made me Michael. I didn't want to be considered famous just because my dad was famous. I wanted to make a name for myself, but I couldn't do that when I was signed to his label. He told me he would let me leave if I helped him with some publicity for the show. I didn't know this was what he meant," she sighs, her eyes getting watery.

     "Wait, so you only dated me to get the show publicity?" I ask, the tears starting to fall. She looks ashamed.

     "I wanted to be my own artist, and this was the only way I'm sorry. You're really nice, but I just don't feel that way about you," she looks at me with sad eyes.

     "You're an actress. This is some joke. It has to be," I press, but she shakes her head.

     "It isn't I'm sorry," she sighs, trying to move around me.

     "Where are you going?" I ask, and she shrugs.

     "Anywhere but here," she sighs sadly, turning away.

     "Wait. You know how on the roof you asked why I was hanging out with Brayden?" I ask her, a pain in my chest with what I'm about to do. She nods. I quickly run into the room and picked up the sealed envelope I've had for a while now.

     "What's that?" she asks curiously.

     "Well, I was afraid that if I gave this to you, you'd drop everything and leave me. But if you're leaving me anyways, I want you to be happy because even if you don't love me, I love you with all of my heart," I sob, giving her a sad smile while holding the letter. She looks like she's about to start crying when she holds it in her hand.

     "What is it?" she asks, running her hand over the word Brynn that I wrote on the letter.

     "Brayden and I found out who your mom is and where she lives," I inform her, making her start to cry and look up at me.

     "Thank you so much," she cries, giving me one last hug. I wrap my arms around her, holding her in my arms for as long as I can, sobbing. She pulls out of the embrace before turning to walk away. Right as she is about to hop in the elevator I stop her.

     "Wait," I call with a broken sob. She turns around.

     "Yeah," she responds, and we both walk towards each other until we meet in the middle.

     "Promise me one thing," I say, and she nods.

     "What is it?" she asks hesitantly.

     "Promise me that you won't forget me. Because even though this whole summer was fake to you, it wasn't fake to me," I cry, and she nods while sniffling.

     "Of course," she sighs.

     "Are you sure?" I ask, and she nods.

     "Trust me Michael. I don't make empty promises," she sadly smiles, turning around and walking right into that elevator and right out of my life.

 I don't make empty promises," she sadly smiles, turning around and walking right into that elevator and right out of my life

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And this is the end of the promise!

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And this is the end of the promise!

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me throughout this entire this with all of the cringeworthy moments. I wouldn't have the motivation to write and finish this without you guys.

This is my first fanfic I finished and it's INSANE. I love all of you guys so much.

And this book DOES have a sequel that I'm putting up right after I post this.

Lots of love,


The Promise | Michael ConorWhere stories live. Discover now