The question?

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(fathers P.O.V)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I set her down she was out the door before she hit the ground. I chuckle thinking she won't be able to catch the dog seeing as no-one else has. Angle was looking at me like I was crazy. "So who did you fuck to get a daughter like her?" Lewen asked me. My face turned red. "Um, actually I didn't have to do that to anyone" I clear my throat. "I actually found her on the doorsteps of my church and no-one was around. So I took her in and raised her as my own." I say.

Lewen chuckled. "Typical story of a priest finding a child on their doorstep." I shake my head and look at my paperwork. "Well let's get started shall we."Angel is still looking at the door waiting for something to happen. "Angle are you waiting for something to happen?." Angle stares at the door as the handle turned and it opens to reveal Y/n with the dog. We all look shocked to see her with the dog.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Y/n P.O.V)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walk down the hallway and look at the door I turn the handle and walked in. Father saw the dog and looked surprised. "I got the puppy," I say excitedly and sit in the back of the room to play with him. I tuned out what my father was saying and paid attention to the dog. "I want to keep you. But you probably have an owner already." As I say that he looked at me and he seemed to smile.

The class was over and father came over to pick me up. I had fallen asleep and the dog laid down next to me. It was lunchtime so my father had to wake me up so I could eat. "Y/n wake up its lunchtime." father said shaking me gently. "Five more minutes," I say half asleep. "Ok then if you don't eat your ramen I will." He said knowing I would wake up for my ramen.

"Don't even think about it," I say shooting up startling the dog. I take my ramen and eat it before he can. I set the bowl down and curled up around the dog father picks me up and wraps a blanket around me using his jacket as a pillow for my head." thanks, daddy." I say yawning. "Goodnight sweetheart." father said walking out of the room turning off the light and locking the door. The dog curled up against me and fell asleep.

I wake up later and my father is sitting at one of the tables sitting there staring at paperwork. I look over and see the dog isn't beside me anymore. "Hello pappa what ya doing," I ask. "Well I'm grading the other people's work so that they know what they can do better next time," he said taking a drink of some coffee. "Oh ok, so you're helping them get better."

"Hey father where did the doggy go?" I ask. "He probably went to his home to eat something and play." He said. "Hey, father can I do your job when I'm older?." I ask yawning. He thinks for a moment. "Yes if you work really hard then yes you can you need to study and do your best in school," he said surprised you asked such a question at such a young age. "When do I start school?" I asked out of curiosity. "Soon Y/n soon."

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