New school?

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~~~~~~~~~~~~(Y/n P.O.V)~~~~~~~~~~

Lewen came outside to come to get me and Mephisto for lunch. We were working on English it was actually really hard. But it is said that all other languages are pretty easy to learn if you can master this one language. Mephisto was always teaching me something new every day like how to fight with different types of swords I was very good with swords.

Anyways we were learning the American language and I was currently trying to say the word cinnamon. it was a lot harder than most people think it would be. "Now pronounce the word (ci-na-min) Cinnaminson." I was getting frustrated. "Ci-nin-na-men Ugh I don't like this word." He chuckles and pats my head. "You'll get it sooner than later."

Lewen knocks on the door and walks in. "Ok, you two lunch is ready." I get up with Mephisto and walk to the church and go to the table and sit down to eat with the others. Once we finish Mephisto and father go to talk in the back room. I go out and play and wait for Mephisto.

He comes out and we get back to working on the language. I finally pronounce it correctly and we move on to writing the language. We worked on this for about a month when I perfected it. Then we moved on to a different language we worked together and I learned all the languages by the end of the year I knew them all and could speak and write them fluently.

Father and the others were happy for me so during my birthday they told me that they were going to send me to the private school they went to. I was excited until I thought about how this would mean less time for me to spend with Mephisto. Then I figured out that it was the school father works at and I was happy because it is also the school Mephisto owns.

~~~~~~~~~~~ ten years later ~~~~~~~~

It has been ten years since Mephisto and I became friends I was now 16. Mephisto came over and asked if I was ready to go and start my first day of school. I nodded my head and he handed me the school uniform and left me so I could change. The uniform was special ordered for me cause I was smaller than most of the other students.

When we got to the school he got out and opened the door for me. As I stepped out I could feel the looks from people around me. Some I could tell where shock and others of jealousy that I was getting a grand tour by the Mephisto himself while they got tours from other students. There was a group of boys that watched as walked by and I could practically read what they were thinking.

I was walking next to Mephisto when a girl came up and asked Mephisto "Why is SHE getting a tour from YOU and not another student like all the others?" She was mad and Mephisto just sighed and told her. "She is not like other students and she is very special. They just told me to watch over her and make sure nothing happens to her. Or else something-- bad would happen to me or the school and we don't want that now do we?" She walked away but kept staring at me as we walked.

"I think someone is jealous," I said he looked at me and smiled. "Yah half the girls in this school want me cause they think that I will automatically give them good grades and money. I really don't understand why they all think this." he looks down and frowns. I see it and it doesn't look good on him. "That frown needs to turn upside down." He looks at me and tries not to laugh at my joke. He failed and gave up laughing.

I smile and laugh with him. "Happy I could make you laugh again." We continued our tour and walked around. When we stopped he handed me a key and told me that it was to the cram school. And I would be attending with the other students. I thanked him for knowing that it was the class my father taught. "Now class starts soon so you better get going." I smile and open the hallway to the cram school and walk to my class.

When I open the door something comes flying at me and I grab it out of the air inches from my face. I look up and the others are standing there shocked at how fast my reflexes are. One of the boys yelled. "What the hell?" I look at the object and see what looked like a needle from a blowgun I set the object on a desk and took a seat at a desk. " When the door opened again this time nothing flew at the door and father walked in.

He scanned the class who were taking their seats. Father told us to introduce ourselves and our reason for becoming an exorcist. "We will start with the people in the back and work our way to the front." There were only about five others in my class. "Hello, I'm Brandon. And I want to be an exorcist because I want to be able to protect my friends and family from the demons."

Then one of the girls said."Hello I'm Catie and I want to be an exorcist so I can avenge my village against the demons." The next kid said "Hello I'm tom. I'm here so I can learn to protect my country from the demons who want to take it over." "Hello, I'm Kirigakure. And I'm here so that I can kill demons."

Next, there was a boy their like me but a little older. "Hello I'm Yukio and I'm here so I can learn to protect my brother and father as they have protected me." I was last to go. "Hello, I'm Y/n and im here to learn how to destroy demons and become stronger." Some of the students looked at me and Yukio. They seemed surprised because we are only children after all. Right?

"Well let's begin shall we." Father started off by giving to those of us who didn't have it done already our temptation and explaining what it was. We spent the rest of the day getting used to the schedules and meeting our teachers. As we walked out of the class I had to go to Mephisto's office to get directions and the key to my dorm.

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