Camping in the dorm?

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Short A/N

Sorry if the music seems to get repetitive. But I like this song. I find it oddly relaxing. I have been having a hard time getting to sleep lately. It is weird because I usually don't have a problem falling asleep. Well anyways back to the story.
--------- y/n's p.o.v. ----------

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. 'Wait when did I get a phone?' I sat up and looked around. I seen a phone on my desk it had a message. Dear y/n,  this phone has my number in it. It is for you call me if anything happen's. The others will be arriving soon. Be prepared.

I smiled and picked up the phone. Mephisto was the best. I smiled and got ready for the day. I started to make lunch for everyone. It wasn't that big just enough for everyone and some extra. I sat everything up and walked downstairs. I sat in the downstairs. living room. After a few minutes their was a knock on my door.

I looked out to see Yukio and Shura. The others where also their but farther back. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it. "Hello guys. Welcome to my house." When they walked in they where aw struck. It wasn't like a normal dorm. It was all fancy. Mephisto was behind them with my father.

Father looked at Mephisto. "Wow you really did all of this for Her?" Mephisto just smiled. "Well their isn't anything I wouldn't do for my bast friends daughter. But this is also for her protection. Cause of you know what." I walked over and hugged them. The others looked at me.

And I smiled. I was still kinda sad about earlier but I was working it away. Father smiled and looked at the other students. They seemed shocked that I was their teachers daughter. I let go and walked to the stairs. "Come I have lunch." When I said that father and Mephisto where practically the first ones upstairs.

I laughed as the others followed suite. When I got up their I was at the head of the table and Mephisto across from me. And then father next to me. I smiled and everyone started to eat when I sat down. Their faces changed and they started to eat faster. Father, Mephisto and me laughed at their reactions.

It was starting to get late so I decided to show them where they will be staying. They seemed in aw about the house and everything in it. Mephisto smiled and waved goodbye. He had to go and work. "See you later Mephisto." He walked out of the door and left. I went back to the others.

They where all sharing a room. I was the only one with my own room for now. I could here some arguing from the others. They seemed to be talking about someone. I walked over and listened. "Why would you say that. I don't think that it is nice to say about her. Don't you know what happened when Mephisto caught students bullying her..."

Their was a fee seconds of silence. "Ya I heard that all of them got expelled. He wouldn't take any bribes or anything. A few of them even offered to pay three times the normal amount so that they could stay. He didn't let any of them stay." I smiled. I was so happy that they where gone. Father walked over to me and I smiled.

Then he heard one of the students say something. He had covered my ears before I could hear it. Yukio and Shura walked out of the room pissed. They seen father covering my ears. I let a few tears fall. They where shocked. When the tears hit the ground father hugged me to him.

----------- fathers p.o.v. -----------

I was walking down the hallway when I seen y/n standing in the hallway. When she seen me she smiled. When I got closer to her I could hear talking in the other room. I heard a kid say something evil. "She just needs to leave the school. She wouldn't be here if she wasn't Mephisto's favorite."

I covered y/n's ears before she could hear any of the statement. When Yukio and Shura walked out they seemed mad about something. When they seen my covering y/n's ears they looked shocked. Y/n was crying. She didn't hear it but she knew it. I looked into the room to see one of the rich kids snickering.

They where only here to impress their parents who where also exorcists. I walked in and picked them up. "What do you think you are doing?" I dragged him out of the room and down the stairs. Another exorcist nodded and took him to Mephisto. He wasn't going to become an exorcist, not here.

I called Mephisto and told him the story. He hung up and I went back to the other students. I made them all stand in line and told them to behave and not to make fun or joke about their fellow classmates. I walked up to y/n's room and knocked. She said come in. I wasn't surprised to see Yukio and Shura their with her.

They where the closest students to her here. I walked in and sat next to her on the bed. "Y/n don't let them bother you. They can't do anything. If they do the mead aster will deal with them. Do you think you can deal with that?" She looked at me and nodded. "Yay I can try. But being the favorite puts a target on my back."

I looked at her and sighed I knew what it was like being picked on. I looked at the others and motioned for them to go into the hallway. I pulled out y/n's music box and started to play it. She looked at me and smiled. Then she fell asleep. Mephisto gave her this music box it was enchanted to help her fall asleep.

I got up and walked out of the door. I told the others not to disturb her. I would start the trial when she wakes up. I walked out and told the students to behave. I would need to go and talk to Mephisto. I left using my key that led to his office. When I got their he was talking to the student.

----------- y/n's p.o.v. ---------

I woke up to silence it was peaceful. Then I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. I called my wolfs and they followed me downstairs. When I got down their the kitchen was a mess. I looked around and seen the culprit. It was one of the other students. They seen me and froze. "You messed up my kitchen. You will clean it up.

They nodded and started to clean everything up. I watched them and waited till they where done. Then I walked to the game room. The others where their talking. They got quiet when I walked in. I sat down on the floor as father walked in. He seen me and smiled and spoke.

"Ok now everybody is rested up so let's get started." His phone rang and he walked out. The others looked at each other confused. He was gone for a while and the others decided to go and see if we could find him. I walked into the hallway and seen a giant figure in the hallway. It wasn't human it was a demon.

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