Holly Hates Shopping

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I was going to wait a week to post this but I have 100 reads!! Thank you! It may not seem that cool, but i think its so amazing that 100 people from all over the world have read words I terribly strung together. Wow! Thanks again bbys!!

WARNING!!: Later in this chapter there's a scene dealing with sexual assault. Nothing way too extreme, but still enough to possibly trigger some people. Read at your own risk. I added it to show just how truly terrible Henry Bowers is.

Also, UNEDITED! Bare with me pls.

Song of the Chapter: Cruel Summer by Bananarama


Setting her bike against the side brick exterior, her bare feet padded against the cement ground as she made her way around to the front entrance of the small shop. The Second Hand Rose was where Holly did all her clothing shopping.

Being a second hand store, the items where often cheaper than if they where brand new. And after taking a few dollars out of the old shoebox where she keeps money taken from her mom for bills, taxes and other necessities, she wasn't going to splurge on brand new shoes anyhow.

Opening the door, a ring of the bell above sounded. Holly looked around the quaint store, trying to spot the shelves that contain shoes her size. She took note of the woman standing behind the register. Her eyes scanning over the words and pictures of a magazine highlighting the lives of various celebrities. Stepping in between the clothing racks, Holly grazes her fingers along the fabric of the clothing hanging on either side.

To her right, she spotted a small shelving unit. Shoes of all colors and styles where set on the shelves. Making her way over, her eyes danced along the patterns. Bending down, she reached for a pair of Blue converse appearing to be her size. The blue must have faded, and the white was slightly discolored. It was nothing Holly couldn't stand.

Standing up, she wobbled as she placed her foot on the bottom of the shoe, checking the size. Sure enough the shoe would fit, perhaps even with a little growing room. Smiling, she made her way to the checkout counter.

She placed the pair of shoes on the counter, grabbing a lollipop from the jar on the counter to her left. When she set the candy down, the woman closed her magazine, revealing her face. A bubblegum bubble popping on her lips covered in lipgloss.

The woman wore heavy makeup that greatly reflected the trends of the current times. Heavy blue eye shadow smudged around her eyes, a dark blush placed on her cheeks and a fake beauty mark placed above the left side of her top lip.

"Is this it for today, hun?" The woman asked. She set her magazine on the counter and rang up Holly's purchases before placing them in a bag. Holly nodded, smiling politely.

"Okay, $14.90." The woman said, holding her hand out for the payment. Holly handed the woman a ten and a five dollar bill. The woman blew bubblegum bubbles as she opened the drawer to give Holly her change.

"Ten cents is your change, have a good day." The woman said, a blank expression. Holly smiled, taking her money and bag.

Turning around she began walking towards the front door. Something over her left shoulder caught her attention before she could take any more steps.

On the floor, leaned against the wall was an intricate painting. The subject on the canvas was a rather unsettling clown. A frilly outfit clothed the being. His face was bright white, a stark contrast to the ginger hair atop his head.

Red covered his lips, reminding Holly of a shade of lipstick in that exact color that her mother often wears. The red was dragged up his cheeks, seemingly pointing to his shadowy eyes. She swore his yellowed eyes bore into her own brown eyes.

"Whatcha doing girl?" The cashier asked, holding her magazine below her face. Her sudden input caused Holly to jump.

"The-the painting. It's... creepy." Holly responded, pointing to the framed artwork.

"Yeah, some local artist gave it to me to sell. It was like he wouldn't take no for an answer." The woman's brows gathered in confusion, recalling the artist.

"Weird." Holly muttered before walking out of the shop, the bell above the door signalling her exit.

She took her lollipop out of the bag and threw the wrapped in a trashcan directly outside the shop. She rounded the corner outside the store, putting the candy in her mouth. She put her arm through the handles of the plastic bag as she lifted her bike from the ground.

"So, poor girl got money for shoes." Holly looked up at the voice. Henry Bowers stood before her his signature blood-boiling smirk rested on his face.

"Did you have to take some shifts at your mom's work?" He taunted. Her glare hardened.

"I'm in no mood for your sexist slurs today so please just crawl back in whatever hole you came from." She said, the lollipop still in her mouth, coating her tongue with a red tint. Henry took two steps towards her before putting his hands on her shoulders. He slammed her against the brick wall. Her bike dropped from her hands and fell onto the cement ground.

"Let me go!" She yelled at the boy who was directly in front of her.

"I'd rather not." He said, out of the corner of her eye she could see Henry's two friends block the entrance to the alleyway. The opposite way was blocked with trash stacked upon a large garbage bin.

Her eyes met Henry's in front of her. Taking a hand from her shoulder, he took her lollipop from her mouth. Never taking his eyes off of her, he places it in his own mouth. Holly cringes and tries to back away from his hand now placed on her hip.

"Stop it." She struggles against his rising hand under her shirt. She freezes as she realizes she is no where near strong enough to push him.

In her head, she plays out various situations. She could continue pushing him to no avail, stomp on his foot. The head. The frontal bone of the skull is one of the hardest bones and could surely injure him if she slammed her head against his face.

With no delay, she headbutts Henry, straight in his nose. The lollipop falls from his mouth and breaks into pieces on the floor. Her knee raises hastily, coming in contact with his groin. His hand falls from inside her shirt at her ribs, nearly at her bra. He steps back, falling to his knees. A hand on his nose in attempt to stop the bleeding and a hand over his groin.

She bends down quickly, grabbing her bag and bike. She swings her leg over her bike, making her way to the only possible exit. Henry Bower's bitches.

They try to grab her but she swings her bag at the closest boy. The shoe box inside slams into the face of the boy who belched in Eddie's ear earlier at school.

'Payback ', she thought, smiling slightly. Her still bare feet peddled away from the remaining boy who trailed after her only a few steps before giving up.

Needless to say, she didn't stop peddling until she reached her apartment complex.Her bag containing the shoebox hit her leg the whole way but that didn't even cross her mind. The only thing she was thinking about was the success she felt in getting payback against the boy who burped in Eddie's ear.

She couldn't stop to think about what Henry did. How his friends would have just watched. How she doesn't know what would have happened if she didn't fight back. How she may not be the only girl he's tried to take advantage of.

"Damnit!" She muttered, wiping her tears so they didn't obstruct her vision much more. Vision was kind of necessary when riding a bike. She wasn't in the mood to


A/N: I'm sorry I did that to Holly! I felt it was necessary to show how evil Henry Bowers was even before he got "possessed" or whatever by Pennywise. Also, her burning rage hate fire towards the boy is only intensifying (as if it was possible, she always hated him). But also, our little bby's a badass!

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