True Fear

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Song of the Chapter: Don't Forget About Me by CLOVES

Warning: Unedited!!

"My shorts are riding up." Holly whined, uncomfortably as the group rode up to the house on Neibolt street. She felt increasingly like she was being watched the closer they came. Her shorts entering dangerous territory wasn't helping her comfort level either.

"Bill, you can't go in there!" Beverly yelled at the boy who was nearly on the front steps of the dilapidated house. Holly had heard stories from around school about how the house was built by an old madman. Apparently he murdered 3-10 people in the home, though Holly didn't believe the rumors. She knew better than to blindly believe rumors. Despite not believing, the added thought didn't help.

The appearance of the house did not help as well. They grey wood planks of the exterior were rotting, falling off and hanging and she could only guess it was the same on the inside. Nearly all of the windows where broken, glass on the porch. Rocks had most likely been thrown inside by random teenagers looking for an alcohol-induced adrenaline rush.

"This is crazy!"

"Look, you don't have to come in with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran or one of us?" Bill spoke. Holly looked to Eddie when Bill mentioned one of them possibly going missing, only to see Eddie looking back at her. Her face heated as did his before they snapped their heads back to Bill.

"Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen, like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't." Holly couldn't begin to imagine the hurt that her friend was feeling. Seemingly so close to finding his brother, yet so far away. She knew how lonely she felt at home but she never had a family. Bill did, his mom, dad, Georgie and him were such a loving family before Georgie went missing, but now his parents payed him no attention. When they did, it was only harsh criticism. He used to know what a loving family was like, whereas Holly never did. She felt her lip quiver as she wondered what it was like, to have a family.

"So walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own." Bill finished as Holly's eyes clouded slightly with her tears. She blinked them away as she thought over his words. She would rather walk into this crack-house with her friend than be stuck at home, crushed by loneliness and worry.

"Wow." Richie exclaimed as Bill walked away. Holly sniffed, looking to him.

"What?" Beverly asked.

"He didn't stutter once." Richie said. Holly looked to Eddie before stepping forward. Memorizing the way his hair parted, and his eyelashes batted, a length she was jealous of.

"Wait!" As soon as her foot hit the first step of the porch, Stan's voice rang out, causing her to stop and face him. Richie, Bev, Ben and Eddie followed behind.

"Um, shouldn't we have some people keep watch?" He asked. "You know, jus-just in case something bad happens." He finished, glancing to everyone. Holly knew his anxiety was getting the best of him.

"Wh-wh-wh-who want to stay out here?" Bill asked, twisting the rusted door knob in his hand. Holly and Bev looked to each other and then to the rest of the group. All but Bill, Bev and Holly had thrown their hand in the air.

"Fuck." Richie sighs.

The door creaked open slowly as Bill pushed it. The group had used a game of pick up sticks to determine who would stay, and would follow Bill into the house. It concluded with Bill and Holly willingly going ahead and Eddie and Richie following behind.

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