London Bridge

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Warning: Unedited

Song of the Chapter: London Bridge by Bread


"Holly! Holly wake up! Wake up! Please!" Eddie pleaded to an unconscious Holly. He had the girl behind him, scooting away from the clown in front of them. He tried his best to move her behind him without the use of his injured arm, away from IT. Her arms and legs dragged around Eddie as he pushed himself backwards, his back pushing her midsection.

His wheezing was the only thing louder than the noise of them shuffling on the floor, yet he could swear he could hear his heartbeat. Holly's back hit the wall and Eddie's breathing stopped all together. IT placed It's hands over Eddie's face, scaring the boy with the girl laying on the ground behind him.

"Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear." He taunted, running his hands all over Eddie's face. Drool spilled out of his mouth and onto the ground between Eddie's legs. His red lips, curled into a large smile and his pointed, sharp teeth where visible. The jaw unhinged, more and more and more teeth poking out, ready to sink into Eddie.

While all of this was happening, all he could think about was Holly. He tried to rip his head out of the clown's grasp, in order to see Holly for the last time. He wanted to see her brown eyes again, her soft skin, her pink lips, her long brown hair. Even in her current state- her hair all askew and sticking up in odd places, blood coating some strands, her eyes closed shut- he still found her to be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

A noise from the floor above caught the attention of IT. Eddie heard it too.

"Help! Help!" He yelled, in hopes that Richie and Bill could save them. Or at least Holly. IT ran his hand across Eddie's face before disappearing further into the house. Eddie sat still for a moment after the clown's absence, before spinning to face Holly. He moved her hair out of her face with his usable arm and rested his hand on her cheek.

"Come on, Holly. Wake up." He begged gingerly. His thumb rubbed her cheek as he pleaded.

"Wake up. Please." He said. As if she where waiting for a polite invitation, Holly shot up into consciousness. She sat up in a split second, her head knocking Eddie's.

"Shit!" She yelled, her hand flying to her head. Eddie did the same before realizing his arm was more important, and instead, cradled it. Holly rubbed her head, moving her hair out of her face. She looked around, realizing she really was in the Neibolt House, not some terrifying dream.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God-." Holy worried, looking at Eddie's arm, before the reappearance of IT cut her off. She was used to seeing nasty breaks in the books she read but never imagined that one would be attached to someone she cared so deeply for. It threw her off.  Eddie and her stared in horror at the clown walking towards them. When IT crouched in front of them, Bill and Richie ran into the room. They stopped in their tracks at the sight before them.

Eddie had pushed Holly behind him, cradling his arm as IT had a hand over both of their mouths.

"Oh fuck." Richie exclaimed as the clown spun, slowly to face them.

"Eddie? Holly?" He questioned, both him and Bill wanting to back away, yet not wanting to abandon their friends.

"This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you?" IT taunted. Holly shifted her position, moving to Eddie's side, rather than behind him.

"Holy shit." Richie said, watching the clown tilt and twitch his head.

"It was real enough for Georgie." IT giggled, making Holly's skin crawl. He stood up in a flash, moving to Bill and Richie who cowered in the corner in response. His actions, however where stopped by Bev shoving a metal rod, clean through his head.

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