Stan Did IT

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Songs of the Chapter:

~Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue

~Bust A Move by Young MC

Holly swam backwards after helping Richie get onto Ben's shoulders. Some of the Loser's Club was about to partake in a chicken fight. Whoever got knocked off by the opponent and into the water would lose.

"Go!" Holly yells, signaling the two to start fighting. She smiled, watching her friends battle it out. From behind her, Holly felt a large amount of the nearly clear water hit her back. She turned, seeing Stan and a distracted Eddie, watching the chicken fight.

Stan stuck his pointer finger towards Eddie and stepped to the side, giving Holly a clear path to the boy. She smiled, carefully stepping towards the boy trying not to let him aware of her presence.

Once she had crept close enough, she splashed the Eddie. He turned, directly facing the incoming water. With hands held out, he tried to block the water from his face. Holly leapt onto the boy's side, pushing him backwards. She clung to the boy almost like a monkey. He stumbled, hands going to Holly's sides.

His attempts to pry her off failed and he stumbled backwards, falling into the water with Holly still clutching onto him. The two are quickly submerged under the water, Stan laughing at them. Holly decides do unattach herself from Ed, who's hands didn't leave her sides.

She places her hands over top of his, her eyes still shut, and pushes off of the bottom. After resurfacing she opens her eyes, being welcomed by the greenery around them, the bright blue sky above, and the sparkling water. Eddie however, had his eyes open even in the water that slightly stung his gleaming brown eyes. He didn't even stop to care about the man-eating bacteria his mom told him about.

Under the water he had watched Holly's brown hair swirl in the currents and her eyes shut tightly. A smile never left her soft face, even surrounded by water. A while ago, she had mentioned to him that drowning was a fear of hers. She had lots of fears, from drowning, to dolls, to wolves. The list never seemed to end.

What Eddie didn't know was that even though she would normally be terrified of frowning, his mere presence made her feel safe. The Losers helped but Eddie was different somehow. She didn't get the feeling of a lawnmower making it's way through her gut when she was with the others. Eddie however, had that effect.

Now above the water, Holly's eyes settled on Eddies. She loved the shade of his eyes. Even though most people looked past brown eyes, seeing them as boring, Holly loved the way the gold tint seemed to shine in the sun.

The boy's eyes traveled down to his hands, still placed on her sides with her hands over top. She looked down and both teens' faces reddened as they flung away from each other. They both gazed over to see Stan distracted by Richie winning the chicken fight.

"You know, it's weird that the girl afraid of drowning would attempt to drown someone else."

"Yeah, well you splashed me!" Holly smiled as she hit water Eddie's way.

"What? No I didn't!" He whined.

"But Stan..." Holly recalled as both her and Eddie snapped their heads to Stan who had his attention on them once again. After sharing a look, Eddie and Holly rushed towards the boy. They splashed Stan as Holly jumped on his back this time. Stan, being a little taller and stronger than Eddie, didn't have a hard time staying standing above the water unlike Eddie.

The only difficult part was keeping Holly's hands from covering his eyes. Soon enough, everyone had stopped whatever they where doing and began splashing each other.

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