Fear Of Dolls

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Warning: If you also have a fear of dolls, maybe skip to the next chapter. This one isn't gonna be too forgiving. Also, like I say every chapter ITS UNEDITED. Enjoy!

Song of the chapter: Devil Town by Bright Eyes

New Flesh by Current Joys (Its a great song, check it out)

Holly threw her old bike down in Ben's yard, a small chip of paint fell off, going unnoticed by her. She followed Ben up the front stairs, along with the others. Some of the others passed her, speeding behind Ben through his house.

"Yeah, I heard he has like a roller-coaster and a pit of shit and old guys fucking bones." Richie went on, Eddie agreeing and adding along the sentence. Holly stepped into Ben's room.

"What are you even talking about, Richard?" Holly asked, using the full name that Richie despised.

"You're not cool enough to know." He joked. Holly rolled her eyes.

"Let's face it, I'm cooler than you." Holly sassed, a smirk on her face.

"No Way. Eds?" Richie turned to Eddie for back up. The boy only shook his head before turning to the rest of the group to examine Ben's research. Holly stuck her tongue out at Richie before spinning to stand beside Bev.

Before her was a wall full of black and white pictures. Some depicted horrific crime scenes, murders, massacres and various other subjects. Bev turned to her with a weirded out look due to the graphic pictures.

"Wow!" Richie looked at a picture directly in front of Holly, pushing her to the side to get to it. She pushed him back before walking to another wall.

"Cool, huh?"

"Totally. A little obsessive and slightly creepy but cool nonetheless." Holly said, walking to the wall. Richie, unfortunately followed her. Ben smiled at the girl's joking.

"Oh, look. This. Right here, this is cool." Eddie came to Holly's side, pointing at a map on the wall in front of her. "Wait no. Nevermind, it's not." He backed away with a disappointed look on his face.

"What's that?" Stan pointed to the map, asking Ben.

"Oh that? That's the charter for Derry Township."

"Nerd alert!" Richie laughed, readjusting his glasses. Holly rolled her eyes.

"No, actually it really interesting." Ben explained. Holly smiled at the fact that he wasn't fazed by Richie's joke.

"Derry started as a Beaver trapping camp."

"Still is. Am I right boys!" Richie held his hand above Holly's head, expecting a high five from Stan and Eddie on her other side. For the thousandth time that day, she rolled her eyes, and batted his hand away. Stan shook his head at Richie while Beverly looked away, uncomfortable with Richie's outwardness.

"91 people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."

"The entire camp?" Eddie asked, Holly turning to him at the sound of his voice before looking back to Ben.

"There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack."

"Even Atlanta wasn't this crazy." Holly's brows lifted, crossing her arms and looking over the pictures once again. They were relatively the same as the others she saw but one stuck out.

In the midst of some court meeting was a freakish clown figure standing in the middle of the people. It's lips were curled into a sinister smile. Holly recognized the disturbing clown. But where?

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