The Key Necklaces

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Song of the Chapter: Hold Back the River by James Bay

Holly sat on her bed, listening to her cheap, small radio that sat perched on her dresser. Her foot tapped to the beat of the popular hits of the 80's as she scanned over the paper airplane she made moments ago. With a quick motion of her hand, she threw the paper plane across her room. It went airborne for only a moment before hitting her wall and falling to the ground.

She pushed herself off of her bed to retrieve it, tugging at her large shirt to cover her bottom. A noise from outside her window stopped her in her tracks. She began towards the window and opened it, jutting her head out to hear a sobbing from the level above her.

She crawled out of her open window. The warm summer night air surrounded her as she left her heavily air conditioned bed room. Climbing the fire escape to the next floor above her, Beverly came into view.

The girl sat on the cool metal, legs pulled to her chest, arms wrapped tightly around them and her head in between her knees. Her shoulders bounced as the sobs escaped her lips.

"Bev?" Holly asked. She wasn't expecting her friend to be in this position. She climbed up the stairs all the way and hurried to Beverly's side. The girl had looked up at the sound of her name coming from the friendly voice, a stark difference to what she hears inside her home.

"Sorry." Beverly apologized as Holly crawled in front of the girl, holding both of her shoulders comfortingly.

"No don't be. What's wrong?" Holly asked, more concerned with why her friend was in tears and completely disregarded the current state of her chopped off hair. It wasn't a bad look, but it wasn't the main priority at all in Holly's mind. Beverly looked to Holly's brown eyes and confided in her friend.

"I-Its my dad. He scares me. Like Mr. Keene scares me. Like Henry Bowers scares me." Beverly said in between sobs and labored breaths. Holly glanced over the girl's face, noticing her cheeks were very tear-stained, her face puffy and lips swollen. She had been crying for a while and Holly hated herself for only just noticing it over the high volume of her record player. She had it loud to drown out her own problems in her house yet didn't even hear Beverly.

"Here." Holly said, moving her hair to the side to take off her simple cord necklace. Strung on the cord was her house key. She hid another so she had a spare for emergencies.

"If it gets bad. You can come to mine." Holly smiled, grabbing Beverly's hand, placing the necklace in her palm. Beverly wasn't used to people caring about her in any way. She had a habit of pushing others away in attempt to save herself from the pain most people in her life caused.

Nobody ever bothered to make their own way into her life and be there for her. The cold key in her hand sparked her realization that she wouldn't try to push this friend away. Holly was too kind, unlike countless others in the town. The girls where alike in many ways, both being from broken homes and school hallway rumors. Beverly tore her eyes from the key, looking back to her friend.

Beverly lunged forward and laced her arms around Holly's neck. She gripped the leather band of the necklace tightly in her enclosed palm, the key hitting Holly's back when she moved towards the girl. Holly's eyes widened at first only because of how fast the Beverly moved. After only a small hesitation, Holly wrapped her own arms under Beverly's, rubbing the girl's back.

After appreciating the comfort in Holly's warm embrace, Beverly pulled away.

"Wait here a second." She held up a single pointer finger, the ghost of a smile on her face. She turned, standing up and crawled in her own open window. Holly got up and leaned her arms against the bottom of the window, resting her head on her arms.

She watched as Beverly unlaced her shoelace from a pair of sneakers thrown into a corner of her room on the floor. The girl then moved to a small box on her dresser, taking out a house key of her own. She strung the shoe lace through the hole at the top of the key. It greatly resembled the one Holly gave her.

Beverly walked back towards the window, looking at the make-shift necklace as Holly scooted back so the girl could crawl out. She got onto the fire escape and sat against the building exterior. A smile was on her face, shining brighter than the stain of tears on her cheeks.

"Here, if you need to come over anytime." Beverly smiled at her friend beside her as she held her hand out, the necklace dangling from her fingers.

"Thanks." Smiling as well, Holly took the necklace and put it around her neck. She pulled her hair out of the band and leaned her head against the wall, looking to the starry sky above them. She thought about her plans for the next day.

"You really should come to the Quarry tomorrow. Richie may be an asshole but everyone is nice."

"I know, I just don't want to go anywhere." Beverly responded, shrugging lightly as if was no big deal. Holly understood. There where some days that she didn't want to do anything but lie in her bed, wrapped in her old floral sheets and sulk to her old Elvis Presley records. The two studied the stars and passing, billowing clouds in the dark night sky. Holly watched a pair of squirrels running through the branches, chasing each other on the trees.

"I like your hair by the way." Holly smiled, turning to the girl sitting beside her.

"Thanks." She responded.

A few more minutes of comforting silence pass as the girls simply sit beside each other, enjoying the presence of the other. Eventually they retreat into their bedrooms, Beverly falling right asleep thanks to the talk with her friend.

Holly however, took a while longer to fall asleep. It was hard after all, to fall asleep to incredibly loud music, drowning out other sounds in her house. She laid there for a long period of time, curled in the fetal position, hugging a pillow in between her arms and bare legs. Staring at the stickers adhered to her old dresser, her eyes got to heavy to hold open any longer.

The only thing on her mind being the boy who seemed to always gazing at her when she wasn't looking.


A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! ITS SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS AND SHIVERS DOWN YOUR SPINE DAY! I hope you all have an amazing day and don't hate me too much for having my updates all over the place! Also, I hope you love Holly and her budding relationship with Eddie as well as her friendship with the other Losers. Don't forget to vote, comment and all that!

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