I'm Not Retiring

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"I am not retiring yet!" I told him, "I am only 24 years old! No, I'm getting that darn leg!" Dr. Halstead and Jimmy looked at me with a puzzled look on their faces. Dr. Halstead sighed and said, "Alright. Let me fill an order to get you fitted. I'll be back." He stepped out. "Baby, are you sure?" Jimmy asked. "I'm sure, sweetheart. I can manage." I told him. Dr. Halstead and a nurse stepped back into the room with two prosthetic leg examples. They helped me sit up and on the edge of the bed. They carefully placed a sock and a protector on my thigh. I held onto Jimmy for support. Then, they tested the prosthetic legs one at a time. One was metal, the other was realistic. I chose the realistic one.

Six days of physical therapy and hospital stays later, I was released to go home. Two weeks later, I was able to work again. While I was making coffee in the break room, Boden came in and asked me to sit down. He sat right next to me. He looked concerned. "What is it, Chief?" I asked. "I'm concerned about you, Caroline. Is that leg fireproof?" He asked. I laughed and said, "Yes. It's fireproof and waterproof. What really are you concerned about?" He sighed and replied, his voice shaking, "You. We almost lost you several times, more than Kelly." We laughed. I assured him, "I understand and I will be alright. You know that." He smiled and said, "You're right." The alarm went off just after he said that. "So much for coffee." I joked. After we suited up and grabbed our gear, we hopped in the truck and sped toward the scene, a two car accident.

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