I woke up the next morning in the hospital. I tried to turn my head, but I noticed I had a neck brace. "Jimmy?" I whispered. "I'm right here, sweetheart. Are you okay?" He said as he slipped his hand into mine and sat in a chair beside me. "I'm fine. I'm alive, aren't I?" I replied, smirking. We both laughed. We talked for a little while and Dr. Halstead walked in. "Hey, Will." Jimmy said as he got up they shook hands. "Hey, Jimmy. How's our patient?" He said, the three of us bursting out laughing. "I'm okay, how long will I wear this brace?" I asked, half concerned. A somber look fell across his face. Jimmy sat back down beside me. "You have a C2 spinal cord injury. You're going to need surgery right away." Dr. Halstead explained. I looked at Jimmy then looked at Halstead and said, "Okay.".
As soon as I was prepped for surgery and the consent forms were filled, it was time. Jimmy kissed me on the forehead as the nurses and Dr. Halstead wheeled me to the OR. I was placed under anesthesia and fell asleep right then and there.
Three hours later, I woke up in the recovery room. Jimmy and Dr. Halstead stood on either side of me. I knew something was up. I asked, "Is everything alright?". "There was a complication during surgery. You're going to have to stay for another week." Dr. Halstead explained. I looked at Jimmy then back to Halstead. "How bad?" I asked. I tried to sit up by using my arms, but my arms and a sharp pain in my back forced me back down. I clinched my face in pain. Halstead and Jimmy carefully laid me back down and lifted my bed a little. "That pain that you just felt, one of the resident surgeons made the wrong incision and he nicked a nerve. We corrected it, but the damage was already done." Halstead explained. I felt bad for that resident surgeon, "Bless his heart. I hope he's okay. I forgive him." I said. I heard a voice say, "Thank you." and saw a young man, about 21, enter the room. I reached my hand out to him and he walked over, timidly. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm not mad." I told him. He gently gave me a hug. "Thank you." He said. "You're welcome, sweet pea. My name is Caroline Borrelli and this is my husband, Jimmy Borrelli. We're both firefighters at Engine 51." I told him as he shook Jimmy's hand. "Nice to meet you guys. My name is Charlie." He said. We talked for a little while until Doctor Manning stepped in the doorway and motioned for Charlie. We waved goodbye and he left. "What a sweet kid." I said. "He sure is." Halstead replied. His pager went off and Jimmy and I nodded and he ran out of the room. Jimmy and I fell asleep hours later. I woke up two hours later with my back in excruciating pain. "Jimmy?! Wake up!" I whispered. He woke up and turned on the light. "Oh my God. You're bleeding!" He yelled. I pressed the help button on my bed and asked for Dr. Halstead and explained what was going on. I tried sitting up again and I yelled in pain. "Jimmy, take this neck brace off. It's causing too much pressure." I told him in a shaky voice. He had a worried look on his face as he took the brace off. Halstead rushed in with nurses and Dr. Manning. Without question, Halstead and Manning carefully turned me over onto my stomach. "Call for a bag of A positive blood stat!" Halstead told a nurse. They took the sutures out and cauterized the wound. I drifted in and out of consciousness. "Stay with us!" Manning yelled. I felt a prick in my arm and knew that they were putting the bag in. I felt the nicked nerve being sutured, then I lost consciousness.
After another week of hospitalization, I was released...on Christmas Day! I was ecstatic! Jimmy, the kids, and I had an amazing Christmas. I would still have to stay home until after New Year's Day to recover, but I was happy.

Support Each Other(A Chicago Fire fanfic)
FanfictionIN THIS EPISODE: Jimmy is admitted to the hospital for six weeks after attempting suicide for psychological and physical treatment. I start physical therapy for my back and hip. Matt and Gabby have their baby! And much more!