Two weeks after my recovery from surgery and New Year's celebrations, we were out on the first call of the year, a two alarm fire at a furniture store and calling out people when I felt tightness in my chest. I brushed it off as anxiety and adrenaline rush, but the tightness became more intense as Hermann, Severide, Casey, and I called the last victim out. "Caroline? You okay?" Hermann asked. "Yeah... I don't chest feels tight." I replied, trying not to pass out from the pain. "You're not alright." He told me. "Guys! Let's get out of here! Get the victim out first! I got Caroline!" He told the guys. They nodded and ran out with the victim. Hermann guided me quickly and safely out of the building. "Stay with me! Ok? Can you hear me?" Hermann said as he lay me on the ground away from the collapsing building. Jimmy and Gabby rushed over. The pain in my chest grew worse. I had difficulty breathing. Jimmy placed an oxygen mask over my face and Gabby started an IV. "Ji-Jimmy.." I gasped out. "You're having a heart attack. Stay with us, honey. Okay?" He told me. I looked at Hermann, Severide, and the rest of the crew as I was lifted onto the stretcher and gave a thumbs up, promising that I'd be okay. I was half conscious on the way to the hospital and in the ER. Rhodes and Reese took over. I snapped back to full consciousness as they were treating me. "You're going to be okay." Reese told me. Tears rolled down my face as I thought of what would have happened if I lost consciousness and never woke up. I did realize that I had a heart attack. "Sarah..where's Jimmy?" I asked Reese. "He's outside of the room talking with Connor." She told me. I nodded. After tests were completed, it turned out that the heart attack was caused by heavy stress, both physically and emotionally. Rhodes signed for a prescription for a medication that would prevent further heart attacks. I stayed in the hospital for the rest of the week then I was released.
Boden kept a close eye on me on every single call. One day after we completed a call, I talked to him about it and assured him that I was fine. That assurance came back to bite me, I fainted while working an accident scene. As I was waking up, I heard Boden say, "Cruz, Brett, and I are taking you back to the station in my truck. Stay with us, okay?" I felt him and Cruz lift me from the ground and carry me to the truck. Brett sat in the back with me. I lost consciousness again and woke up an hour later in my bunk at the station. Jimmy kneeled beside me and told me, "Boden needs you to stay here the rest of the shift. Brett and I will keep a close eye on you." "This sucks." I said.
Five weeks later, I fully recovered from that fiasco. I was back to eating healthy and exercising, but I still kept an eye on any cardiac changes.

Support Each Other(A Chicago Fire fanfic)
FanfictionIN THIS EPISODE: Jimmy is admitted to the hospital for six weeks after attempting suicide for psychological and physical treatment. I start physical therapy for my back and hip. Matt and Gabby have their baby! And much more!