#2 Top 10 common fetishes in anime

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  • Dedicated to Jonas Catiggay

Randomness #2

Top 10 common fetishes in anime

Undoubtedly, the world of anime plays host to a huge variety of fetishes suited to every type of otaku’s taste. Be it a show completely based around harems and beautiful girls, like Rosario to Vampire, or (as is mostly the case) a show where fanservice is used to raise the appeal of the anime generally, such as Code Geass, you could say that anime fanservice pops up in at least 90% of anime series in some way, shape or form. But what traits about some of the anime characters stand out as deliciously attractive, to the extent that they manage to create as many fanboys as they already pander to? What makes otakus scream in delight whenever their idolised character shows up on screen?

And so we kick things off with:

#10 “Bishounens”

Bet you didn’t see that coming.

No-one said anything about this list being solely focused on the female gender (though this, unfortunately, will be the only ranking with males in it. Weep with me. Weep bitter tears). There are increasing numbers of bishies showing up in anime these days (especially shoujo, though that’s to be expected) and they seem to be a hit with the ladies (and me for some reason, though in a more FABULOUS way). It seems like a logical enough conclusion from this equation: Girls like Pretty Things. Girls like Boys. Therefore Pretty Things + Boys = KYAAAAAAAAAH!!! Most of the time, they’re cute (bordering on, if not already, moe) and emotionally sensitive so perhaps it’s their personality and character traits which make them so loveable. Or it’s just the fact that they’re hawt bishies, regardless of how they act. Hell, “a middle-school girl would fall in love with a trash can if it looked at her the right way” so would they, or even the more mature girls, have any resistance to the beauty of the bishonen? I think not.

#9 “Dojikko”

Cooking and cleaning. Two things that are the bane of a dojikko’s existence. The appeal of a “clumsy girl” stems from the fact that they are normally cute, ditzy characters who can’t really do anything beyond the basic necessities neded for human survival, and when they try to, simply fail. That helplessness and ability to do nothing but be attractive is both pitiable and laughable; most men want to take care of their ladies and the characteristic of a dojikko makes them feel both wanted and needed. Watching the dojikko in her natural environment is a fascinating experience. Beginning with a typical “I’ll do my best!” before beginning the activity, starting out with admirable confidence. But then things go wrong and seem to spiral out of control as food burns/washing machine liquid overflows. However, it is truly the end of this process which stirs a fan boy’s heart; the sight of her blushing, with the hint of tears in her eyes amid all the chaos and destruction…



Could any of you claim to not to swoon (yes, I said swoon) with affection with such a scene in front you? If you could, I hold the utmost pity for you, my dear friend.

#8 “Meganekko”

What an amazing pair of glasses.

Let’s be honest. Whenever you see a girl wearing glasses in anime, they’re most likely not going to be as stereotypically intelligent as you might think. But perhaps it is the illusion of intelligence that the fanboy craves; glasses suggest intelligence, and intelligence suggests independence and a strong will. The opposite of a dojikko, really. Maybe there’s some part of a fan boy’s mind that likes the idea of an easily attained (and just as easily discarded) facade of intelligence; kind of like having your cake and eating it too, you can have your smart gal and her “moe mode” as well. Unless they’re granny glasses. If you find that appealing, seek help. Seek help now.

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