Stay the Night

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first off, i want to apologize for not updating in two weeks, i just had my spring break and went from a concert in a city a couple of hours away all the way to the mountains, and then back here where our town was hit by a massive storm and a few tornadoes. luckily my house was fine, but a lot of our town is in pieces :(

but anyways, i'm back to my computer and ready to write for you guys! 


Work was actually pretty fun. 

Aside from getting hit on by plenty of guys and attempting to get them to leave me alone, it was incredibly interesting to serve drinks to people and listen to the music that was so carefully picked out by the DJs' that performed here almost every night. Porter came here often and sat by me, entertaining me with stories of his encounters with the current DJ that was on stage at the moment, going off into detail about how they did so and so. It was kind of funny to me to hear him gossiping about other producers. It made me wonder if all of them talked about each other behind their backs like a bunch of middle-school girls. 

Currently, it was a warm Friday night, and Cielo was already packed full of people, many of which were girls in tiny little dresses with sky-high heels and makeup plastered all over their faces. One girl was in front of me right now, sipping a mimosa I made for her while chatting to some guy that had to be at least 20 years older than her. I resisted the urge to gag while mixing drinks and secretly sneaking peeks at this girl. Her eyebrows were like thick brown lines and her lips were dark red in contrast to her exceedingly powdered matte cheeks. Why did girls overdo themselves like this? 

I contemplated this as I refilled her drink, faking a smile as I slid the concoction of champagne and chilled fruit juice over to her. She didn't even acknowledge me, instead adjusting the top of her strapless dress so that it'd reveal an enormous amount of cleavage in the man's direction. I turned away in disgust, and focused my attention on the boy who had just came up to the bar. 

He was fuming, with fists angrily constricted at his sides. He didn't look a day over the age of 18, and had dirty blonde hair and a baby face that was currently contorted into a deep scowl. I didn't want to bother him, but he left me no choice because he pushed open the side door leading to where I was standing behind the bar and made his way over to me. 

"Um," I began, looking over to where he stood beside me, not looking anywhere towards my direction, instead glaring at the ground. "You're not supposed to be back here, you know that, right?"

He suddenly took his head in his hands and pushed his fingers through his hair in anguish, letting out a big sigh, then released his hands as they fell to his sides. 

"Are you okay?" I burst out.

"I just got a job here." He spat out. "My uncle's the owner of this place. I'm supposed to help make drinks from now on and be here as often as I can to work off-hours and clean up after everyone, as well as maintain the bar." The scowl was still prominent on his face, and he seemed to have no intention of letting go of his anger anytime soon. "I got in a load of trouble with my family for something, and this is what I'm supposed to do from now on to gain their respect back." He glowered at me, reaching for a glass and moving off towards a woman that had just shown up to get something to drink. I was curious as to what the hell just happened, and him walking away from me didn't answer any of my suspicions. 

He came back in a second after sliding a vodka across the bar to the woman, and looked at me expectantly. "So?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Aren't you gonna ask what I did?"

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