Bathrooms And Coincedences

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Ana's POV

I plugged in my earphones and listened to music for like, fifteen minutes then fell asleep. About five hours later, I woke up to go to the bathroom but I couldn't be bothered to pause my music so I just took my phone with me.

There was no line, except for someone was in the bathroom already. I tapped my foot as I waited, loosing myself in Beside You by 5SOS.

The person in the bathroom opened the door suddenly, and it hit me in the face. Shocked, I dropped my phone. As I bent to pick it up, I realised that the person who slammed the door to me beat me to it.

"Nice lock screen" said a very familiar voice.

I looked up, and there was the one and only Daniel Sahyounie standing in front of me and holding my phone.

"Y-you're S-skip!" I stuttered incredulously.

"I sure am" he said with a smirk.

"You wouldn't mind if I got a photo, would you?" I asked shyly.

"Anything for a fan" he grinned. He held out my phone and pulled a silly face, so I did duck face with the peace sign.

He typed something in my phone, and handed it back.

"Here's my number if you're ever heading in to Melbourne." he said.

"This isn't a vacation, I'm moving permanently." I said, finally getting used to the fact one of the Janoskians was talking to me.

"Funny, the house next door was just sold. You could be moving in!" he joked.

"Here, give me your twitter name and I'll follow you when I get wifi. Wait, do you want to come and meet the rest of the guys?" he asked, sounding excited.

"I'm a huge Janoskians fan. Do you really think I would pass up that opportunity?" I smirked.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Skip's POV

After I bumped in to that beautiful girl, we chatted for a bit. I quickly realised that I only liked her as a friend, and we would probably become really close.

Ana's POV

After Skip bumped in to me, we chatted for a bit. I quickly realised he would probably become a brotherly figure to me and we would become really close.

He grabbed my wrist and turned his back, dragging me to where the boys were sitting. I was internally screaming, my wrist was literally in so much pain.

He saw me wince and asked if he had hurt me. I assured him he hadn't and I had just stubbed my toe on one of the seats. He didn't look very convinced, but he let it go.

After walking for like, three minutes, we finally reached the other boys. Daniel stopped so quickly I bumped into him, then laughed.

I noticed the other guys and my jaw dropped. They were even hotter in person. Beau, James and Jai had noticed me, but Luke was absorbed in his music and didn't hear Daniel.

Beau, who was sitting next to Luke, grabbed his phone and punched him on the shoulder. Luke looked up, with a pissed off expression on his face. Then he noticed me, and his expression changed. I didn't understand his facial expression, but he looked considerably happier than he did before.

"Hi" I said awkwardly, mentally slapping myself. How awkward can I be?

Luckily Skip noticed my reaction and quickly introduced me to the guys.

"This is Ana, and Ana this is James, Beau, Jai and Luke."

"I know" I said smirking.

"Oh yeah" he said, sounding defeated.

I turned to the boys. "I'm a huge fan of you guys, I have been for ages."

This time it was Beau who spoke. "Thanks, sweet cheeks."

We all swapped numbers and I gave them my twitter name before heading back off to my seat.

"Where the fuck did you go?" Becky whisper-yelled, sounding pissed off.

I explained the whole story to her, and then we fangirled.

I plugged my music back in and fell asleep to the soothing tones of Disconnected.

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