Have A Nice Day

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Becky's POV

I knew things were bad, I never realised they were this bad. She just couldn't handle it.

The doctors said it was lack of blood, but another reason she passed out so quickly is she didn't have enough vitamins and minerals in her body.

It was honestly one of the scariest experiences I've ever been through. Luke B, Skip and Michael didn't leave the room at all. They didn't go to pee, eat, drink or sleep. They stayed in the for the whole two days she was in the coma.

It was fucking terrifying.

Ana's POV

I woke up from a heavy dreamless sleep. As I pried my eyes open all I could see was white. The bright lights, the walls, the bed sheets, everything. I could hear beeping to my right side, and voices muttering quietly around the room. It smelt disgusting, like disinfectant and the smell of death and sadness, looming over the room like a dark cloud.

I was aware of a faint pressure in my right hand. As I turned to see the cause, I saw Luke looked tired, hungry and heartbroken. He must of felt a shift or something, because his red rimmed eyes snapped to mine.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" He yelled, leaning over the bed and hugging me.

All of a sudden there was a rush of activity. The room was filled with my ten best friends, and a doctor and two nurses. Each of my friends came up to me individually and hugged me tight, as if they never wanted to let go.

"Three people may remain in the room" the doctor said loudly.

There was grumbling and moaning, but eventually I was left with Skip, Michael, Luke and Becky, as well as the doctors.

"I said three." the doctor grumbled.

'Look. The four of us have not left the room since she was admitted to the hospital. She needs us here. You want one of us to leave? You'll have to kill us first." Becky said angrily.

"I want them all here." I croaked out. My throat felt like sandpaper and my voice came out quiet and scratchy. I'm surprised they actually heard me.

All of their heads shot to me. The doctor gave a patronising smile.

"Fine." He said, annoyed.

Becky smirked at me.

"So, Miss Carwin. As we have taken the tests already, you are fine to be discharged today. You will feel wobbly on your legs after being passed out for two days with a lack of blood. You have been diagnosed with anorexia, bulimia and severe depression. You will have to see a therapist at least once a week." he reeled off, staring at his clipboard. 'Have a nice day" he said, finally looking up and smirking.

"I'm sure it will be fucking wonderful." I said as he exited the room.

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