What Is He Doing Here?

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Anas POV

"Wait!" I heard behind me.

I was heading out back, to my tour bus, an hour after the concert had finished. Figuring it was just a dedicated fan, I turned around with a fake smile on my face.

The person I saw shocked me.

"I'm so sorry." Becky said, tears pooling in her eyes.

"What for?" I asked, completely deadpan.

"For just saying 'bye' when you left. For not talking to you when all you needed was a hug. For ditching you to hang out with Em. For ruining seven years of friendship. For fucking everything up. For not being there when you needed me most." she said, the tears spilling out and streaming down her face.

"I accept your apology." I said, just as deadpan.

"Is that all?" she asked, pissed off.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, my voice incredulous and my eyebrow raised.

"I just gave you the most heartfelt fucking apology of my fucking life and you act like it didn't mean shit." she yelled.

"I accepted it, what else do you want from me?" I screamed back.

"I want our friendship back."

"Well that's fucking tough. I have accepted your apology, but you just ruined seven years of friendship. I may have forgiven you, and accepted you back into my life, but it will take a fucking long time until I trust and respect you again." I said quietly.

"Come with me?" she asked.

"Okay then." I responded cautiously.

She lead me to my old group of friends, and Leanne and Emily, who were all arguing (apart from Leanne, she's far too 'perfect' and 'beautiful' to go to Maccies) about whether chicken nuggets or burgers were better to get in McDonalds.


"Guys." Becky said seriously.

They all turned around and their expressions ranged from shock (Calum, Luke H, Ashton, Beau and James), excitement (Michael, Emily, Skip and Jai) to disgust (Leanne) and emotionless (Luke B, the pretentious prick).

"Did you miss me?" I asked sarcastically.

Michael ran straight over and tackled me in a massive hug. Calum, Luke H, Ashton, Beau, James, Skip and Jai followed suit.

"Where have you been?"

"Your concert was awesome."

"We missed you so much."

"Don't ever leave us again."

They all said at the same time.

"What is she doing here?" Luke B sneered. Leanne made a noise like a dying narwhal (sorry if I offended any narwhals) that I'm pretty sure was meant to be a giggle, god only knows.

"Well considering you're at my concert venue, I should be asking the same thing. So what is he doing here?" I said, directing the last question at Becky.

"Once a sassy bitch, always a sassy bitch." Calum said, winking at me.

I just laughed and hugged him again.

Michaels POV

"Oh em gee! Like, what is your like, freaking problem?" Leanne squealed from beside me.

"I don't have a problem, sweetie. What's yours?" Ana sassed.

"Like, you are my like, problem. I mean, you're crap at singing, have an awful dress sense and are making like, eyes at my like, boyfriend." Leanne sneered.

"Oh, I'm crap at singing? At least I'm all real, you're so fake a Katie Price is jealous. Just because my ass and tits don't hang out my slut clothes doesn't mean I have an awful dress sense, it means I have class. Lastly, why the fuck would I make eyes at your boyfriend? I mean, I already have him wrapped around my little finger. I remember specifically around six months ago he told me he loved me, so what else can I say? I'm motherfucking irresistible." Ana said, smirking.

I stifled a laugh.

"You are like, such a whore!" Leanne screamed, before running at Ana.

That's where things started to escalate quickly.

As Leanne ran at Ana with claws outstretched, Ana simply stood there completely bored. When Leanne reached her, she just backhanded her which resulted to Ana standing above Leanne (who was laying on the floor) and smirking. Then Becky and Emily came over and stood either side of Ana, the three of them looking like they were about to kick ass.

Leanne got up, made a noise like a kicked puppy, and dusted off her barely there skirt. She stepped forward again, and ran straight into Becky, who slapped her, kicked her behind the knees and spat in her face.

If I'm completely honest, the girls looked like this had been planned for a damn long time.

Once again, Leanne was on the floor with the girls standing above her. She got up again (I have to admit this girl is fucking determined) and this time set her sights on Emily, who just raised her eyebrows like she was saying 'Come at me'.

Leanne ran over again (stupid whore) and Emily elbowed her swiftly in the chest before kneeing her in the stomach. While Leanne was bent over, Ana kicked her hard behind the knees and sent her sprawling on her stomach.

"Have a wonderful day." Ana smirked, walking off with Becky and Emily following close behind.

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