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I skipped school obviously. Brendon stayed home from college too. Thankfully, my dad was on a mission so waking up next to Pete wasn't an issue. I smiled while he softly let out a cute snore noise. He snuggled his head against the tufts of my hair opening his eyes slowly. I saw him in the mirror near my bed.

"Hi" I said gently.

"Hey" he said sleepily sitting up.  "How'd you sleep?"

"Good" I mumbled sitting up with him.  He smiled leaning in, and just when he was about to kiss me my door opened.  Pete pressed his lips to my cheek instead because my head turned to see who was at my door. 

"Hey" I said to Brendon.  He walked inside shutting the door.  He sat down next to us on my bed.  "You okay?"

"I was gonna ask you the same" He said "You guys wanna do something with Sarah and I today?  Double date?"

"Anything to get out of the house" I said. Pete collapsed on the bed sighing. He nodded.
I loved Sarah, Brendon, and Pete, but I just couldn't be happy.  I don't know how Brendon could be either.  Pete kept his hand in mine trying to catch me up to Sarah and Brendon.  He smiled at me, and I faked one back.

"I know you too well" he said stopping us "I know you're not happy, do you wanna go home?"

"No" I said "Thats the last place I wanna go. Maybe we can go out to eat together and meet back up with them?"

"If thats what you want" he said. I nodded. "Bren" he said. Brendon spun around "Is it okay if I steal Patrick away, we can still meet up for the movie but-"

"Its cool" Brendon said "We'll meet at the theater before it starts"

"Okay" Pete said smiling.  He walked me away twirling me as he did so.  I giggled in genuine happiness.  "Where should we go?" He asked "Are you hungry?"

I sat on my bed with Brendon listening to him rant about how he wanted to marry Sarah. 

"So propose" I said as I sketched a photo of him on my bed.  I loved drawing.  It brought me a sense of purpose I guess.  Especially, when I found out I had no powers.  I looked up adding some shade to his face. 

"That's the thing Trick, she's not ready.  She keeps telling me that" he sighed "I just wanna be with her forever"

"I think you will be, you have to give her time though.  You guys are only in college you know?" I asked.  I looked up at him and smiled. 

"I guess so" he said.  He looked down at my drawing "Why are you so good at arting?" he asked.  I laughed a little.

"Mom" I said gently.  He let out a small sigh. 

"Mom" he repeated "Do we even get to see her?"

"Yeah, if we truly want to" I said "But, I don't particularly want to now"

"I'm not sure what I want" he said gently "Wheres Pete?"

"His brothers" I said "They have a relationship like us, and he spends most of his nights there because his parents suck"

"Sounds like us" he said.  I chuckled laying back on my bed. 

"I love the fuck out of that boy" I sighed "I don't even deserve him"

"You deserve the world, does he give you the world?" he asked.

"Yeah" I whispered.

"So you deserve him" he said. 

"Boys!" My dad yelled "Dinner!" I sighed loudly.

"Tell him I'm not hungry" I said gently "Being around him makes me physically sick, tell him I threw up"

"Okay" Brendon said gently.  He pat my leg and stood.  "I'm really sorry, about all those things I said when I first met Pete.  I shouldn't have judged him like that" He smiled and left my room quietly closing the door.

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