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Brendon and I decided to go for pizza when I finally got home from school.  I hadn't spoken much to Pete which was weird, but I think his brother was telling him about their parents so that could be why.

"Dads getting released next week" Brendon said. 

"What?" I asked "I thought-"

"Apparently he's doing great" he mumbled "That he's a healthy man now"

"I can't do this again Brendon, I can't" I said starting to shake "M-my worst enemy is my dad"

"Just calm down okay?  I'll figure something out"

"Figure what out!? Mom won't even call us back!  I can't live with him anymore and you're not a parent so if I attempt to live with you dad can call the cops and-!"

"Patrick breathe!" he yelled.  I took a breath.  "I said we'd figure this out, you have to trust me"

"I do trust you" I whispered.  My first thought was to call Pete, but I knew he definitely wasn't in position to make me feel better.  "I never wanna see him again"

"I know" he said gently.
I stared at my ceiling in thought.  Did I call Pete or wait for him to come to me?  I sighed.  Just as I reached for my phone it buzzed with a text.

Pete: I'm fine.  Don't worry.  I already knew this was coming.  I'm driving over now so you can "keep an eye on me".  My brother can be so over protective sometimes

Me: Okay, doors unlocked.

I put my phone down, and moved my sulk fest downstairs.  I wrapped my blanker tightly around myself.

"You okay if I go to Sarahs?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  Pete's coming over" I said gently.

"Okay, I love you kid.  You know that right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know, I love you too" I smiled.  He left without another word.  I turned the TV on waiting for Pete.  I knew this was gonna happen but I didn't think this soon.  And Pete was probably a mess.  I heard a knock at the door.  I had to tell Pete.  If I didn't, he'd get upset.  I got up walking and opened it slowly.  Pete stared at me with a sad look on his face.

"I know" I said gently.  "Come here" I hugged him tightly.  He buried his head into my neck.  I'd definitely tell him, but not right now.  He needed me. 

"I'm glad I have you" he whispered.

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