Twenty One

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Brendon shook me awake around five in the morning.  I stared at him in confusion.

"What is it?" I asked in a hushed voice since Pete was sprawled across my lap. 

"You're on the couch" Brendon said "You guys should be in your bed" I shook Pete a little bit.  He whined, and mumbled something out that sounded like 'let me sleep'.  I shook him some more until he sat up, and looked around the room in confusion. 

"Come on" I mumbled "We have to go to my bed"

"Mm" He grumbled. 

"Are you going to school?" Brendon asked.

"No" I yawned "I think Pete needs a day"

"Okay" he said.  I helped my sleepy boyfriend up the stairs to my bed.  As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.  Leaving me alone with my thoughts.  I stared at him while he made cute faces in his sleep.  It was my turn to play hero right?   Just because I was going through something too, didn't mean I couldn't be his hero.  I pressed my forehead to his. 
I woke up to my smoke alarm going off loudly.  It took me a second but, I came to.  I ran downstairs as fast as I could. 

"Shit!" Pete yelled.  I ran into the kitchen opening the windows.  I grabbed the pan of pancakes that he decided to attempt to make, and put it in the sink.  I turned the water on quickly as I simultaneously shut my stove off, and then, I used a fan to cool everything down.  I sighed in relief.  "I wanted to make you some pancakes because you're amazing you know?" he asked sadly "Y-you deserve some pancakes" I hugged him tightly.

"Pete, I don't need pancakes.  You loving me is a gift in itself" I said gently.  I kissed his cheek gently.  "It's okay"

"I just wanted to do something nice for you" he mumbled sadly.

"How about, you take me out for ice cream later and we call it even" I said.  He smiled a little bit. 

"Okay" he said. 

"I love you"

"I love you too Patrick" He hugged me.  I smiled, then I frowned.  Damn, now I'd really feel guilty about telling him my dad was getting released.

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