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"Wheres Pete? Usually he's following you around like a lost puppy" Brendon said as he bit into the sandwich he'd just made.

"We had an argument" I mumbled "It's whatever" I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I stared at all the alcohol my dad was storing.

"What is it?" Brendon asked. I stared at it intensely, until every bottle burst. Glass shards flew everywhere, and I was happy I still had the power I managed to steal from that kid in my class. Telekinesis. Brendon ducked down but I began cleaning up the glass shards and throwing them away with my mind. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. "Jesus christ" he mumbled. "I know you're pissed at Pete, but damn"

"Let's see dad get drunk off his ass now" I snapped. I sat across from Brendon at the table.

"Someone learned a new trick" he said. I laid back against the chair. "What was this argument about anyway?"

"It really doesn't matter" I mumbled.

"Clearly it does" he said.

"It was about, everything honestly. It started off about how it pissed me off that Pete never came to school, and then it was about sex, or more like the lack of it because we're both obviously not ready. And then it was about how I never told him about Andy, and then I found out, he's not a virgin. And he had an ex boyfriend so it went to that" I sighed "I'm not sure where we are right now"

"And all this happened, while I was making a sandwich?" he asked in confusion.

"This happened last night when you were having heterosexual intercourse in your bedroom with Sarah" I said.

"That would explain why I didn't hear you two" he said making a face "Have you spoken since" I pulled my phone out and handed it to him showing off our texts.

Pete: I love you..

Me: I can't exactly tell if you mean it right now...

Pete: I always mean it, just because I'm pissed off doesn't mean I don't love you.

Me: It just hurts

Brendon looked up at me.

"You should've just said it back and went to bed" he said gently handing me my phone. I stared at his contact. I started typing.

Me: I love you

The bubbles appeared indicating he was typing. Then they went away again.

Me: Are you okay?

Pete: I'm fine, I'm not sure what to say because I wanna do what you did to me last night

Me: I'm scared you're going to do something stupid...

Pete: i'm not killing myself if thats what you mean.

Me: I'm sorry, I just got worried okay?

Pete: don't fucking worry about me.

Pete: I dont need you to fucking worry about me.

Me: fine. then i wont. we'll just break the fuck up and i'll never worry about you again.

Me: bye.

I threw the phone onto the table and stormed upstairs ready to fucking die. Cry. Whats the difference both contained pain and sadness. I could cry while I die. Shut up Patrick thats not funny. I sat down on my bed staring at the floor for what seemed like for fucking ever. Tears rolled down my cheeks pathetically. My bedroom door slammed open. I looked up.

"It doesn't work like that!" Pete yelled at me. I don't know what the fuck came over me. I ran to him and tackled him in a giant hug. He made an oof sound.

"Thank god. Because, I really thought you weren't gonna fight for me, and you were just gonna let me go like that but you're here" I said blabbering like an idiot. "I don't even care if we're still fighting and you still hate me you came here and fought for me and that's all I care about"

"Take a deep breath jesus christ" he mumbled.

"I love you" I sighed snuggling my head into his neck "I fucking hate you so much right now, but I still love you" he hugged me back tightly.

"I love you too" he mumbled.

"I think one of my super powers is being extremely petty" I said quietly.

"I think I can agree" he said. I kissed his cheek. "What now?"

"Now, we talk this shit through" I said. He nodded slowly.  He closed my bedroom door and we sat on my bed together.  He stared ahead at my wall.  "You never told me-"

"You never told me about Andy" he said before I could finish.

"I never lost my virginity to Andy" I whispered "I wanted you to be my first, and I wanted to be your first"

"I'm sorry I lied to you okay? I just, knew how much it meant to you that we were each others firsts" He said gently.

"It means more to me that you tell me the truth, I wouldn't have judged you" I said quietly "I would've been upset but, I never would've judged you"

"I didn't want you to be upset-"

"I'm more upset now than I would've been had you just told me" I said "But, you lied to me"

"I'm sorry" he said gently.

"I just, need to think" I said quietly "About everything"

"Please don't break up with me" he begged.

"I'm not" I said "I just need to be alone right now" He stared at the ground sadly. I kissed his cheek which got a small smile on his pretty face. "I love you"

"I love you too" I heard the front door slam.  I closed my eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"What happened to my fucking vodka!?" My dad screamed. 

"I shattered his alcohol" I whispered.

"Patrick!" he screamed coming up the stairs.  I focused my energy on my door. 

"You have thirty seconds" I said.

"Until what?" Pete asked fearfully.

"Until I get too tired, and lose it" I said "Go!" I yelled.  My dad slammed on my door trying to use his strength to open it.  Pete slammed the window open, and when I knew he was gone, I lost it.  The telekinetic power I had was gone.  My door swung open.  I focused everything I had on my dad.  He glared at me and swung his fist knocking me back against the wall.  I stared at him, unafraid and tired.  He grabbed my head slamming me against the bed post.  And right when I'd given up, right when I thought I'd lost, Petes flower.  The one he gave me, that means strength.  It started to regenerate.  Pete was still here.  I felt my entire body surge.  He grabbed the back of my neck, and I lost it.  I yelled out in anger and slammed myself against him.  He landed on the floor.  I body slammed him so hard we both fell through.  I saw Brendon jumped when we landed on the counter.  I screamed in fury punching, kicking, and whatever else I could do to him.  The man who fucked my life up. 

"Patrick" Brendon said.  I punched harder, and harder sobbing like a baby.  "Patrick!" He grabbed me pulling me off "He's passed out enough!" He pulled me away while I stared at my bloody fists crying even more.  I saw Pete run in through the back door.  I ran to him and hugged him tightly.  "Jesus christ, you fought back" Brendon whispered.  "Holy shit"

"Maybe getting your dad to the hospital should be the next step" Pete said. 

"Nah, he's fine" Brendon said.

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