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When I woke up from a nightmare, I quietly got out of the bed so I didn't wake Pete up.  Pete was a funny sleeper.  He moved all around, and sometimes wound up on the floor.  Today however, his position was an adorable ball in the middle of the bed.  Luckily he was small, and the bed was big enough to do that.  I smiled a little as I pulled some clothes on in case his brother was wandering.  But, when I got out I checked around the house.  He must've slept at his one night stands house.  I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and sucked it down faster than anything. 

"Did you think you could get away from me that easily?" Someone hugged my waist tightly.  I squealed, then I realized it was my stupid boyfriend.  He kissed my neck quickly.  I giggled a little bit.

"I didn't mean to wake you" I said gently. 

"I fell off the bed because you weren't there to block me" He said "In a way it's my own fault"

"You're a cute sleeper" I sighed happily.  I attempted to pull away but he pulled me back against him. 

"Hey, whats your rush, Andrews not here" He kissed my neck a little sloppy.  I pulled my head away. 

"Pete c'mon.  Not right now" I whined.  I pulled away from him completely when he still didn't stop.  I stared at him in shock, like he was someone else.  I raised my eyebrows.  Because he was.  "Andrew" I said.  He shape shifted back to himself from Pete.  He smirked at me.

"Hey Patrick" he laughed "You like my little trick?"

"You're a shape shifter?" I asked.

"Sorry about all that, I guess I got a little carried away.  The thing about shape shifting is you begin to act like what you shifted into.  And it almost gets out of control" he sighed "I need to talk to you though"

"Why'd you shape shift in the first place?" I asked.

"I like doing it" he smirked.

"What'd you need to talk about?" I asked before he could come onto me or something worse.  He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Mom and Dad have finally decided to divorce.  Which is good yes, but I know Pete won't take this well" he said "He would always get so happy when they made up"

"I know he'd text me" I said.

"Right" he nodded "I have to tell him, I need you do keep an eye on him for me.  He loves you, you love him.  Make sure he doesn't do something, stupid?  Last time something bad like this happened you found him on the edge of a cliff"

"Okay" I said gently "As long as you promise not to shape shift into my boyfriend anymore"

"You have my word.  Although if you ever doubt he loves you dont" he mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Shape shifters have the thoughts and memories of who they choose too.  That's why we can't stay that way too long.  We'll begin to think we are them.  It's only about an hour that we can really stay that way.  And even that's pushing it.  His entire thought and memory base was you.  It was like someone erased his entire life up until you showed up.  I dug a little deeper and found out he actually wrote a suicide note.  And after you saved him he stuffed it away in his sock drawer like he was waiting for the perfect moment or something.  I guess he forgot about it" He looked up at the clock "I'm gonna get some sleep, see you tomorrow, and again, sorry" He said tapping my neck. 

"It's okay" I said quietly.  When he disappeared into his room, I went back to Petes.  I used my phone flashlight to look around in his sock drawer until I found the folded note.

Andrew, mom, or dad, whoever cares enough to find this.

Today, I died. 
Today, I took my own life, and probably for selfish reasons too.  But, I couldn't take it anymore.  I couldn't take the fighting, I couldn't take being so alone, I couldn't take wanting to be a hero in a family of villians, and I couldn't take watching the one boy I've ever thought of in a different way other than my dick of an ex, love Andy Hurley.  Maybe I couldn't help the thought of falling for a hero. Maybe, I should be more careful who I decided to watch in the halls, but I chose him.  I chose Patrick.  And every day my heart writhers more because I can't fucking talk to him.  I'm a villain, and he's a hero.
I'm sick of feeling alone.
So, now I won't be.


I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach.  Hot tears poured down my face.  I  made a whining noise, and quickly covered my mouth remembering Pete was asleep.  I felt around the crumpled paper.  The places on the back where his pen went too deep.  I imagined him crying.  Staring at it feeling hopeless, and lost.  I looked up again.  And this time, he was sitting up staring at me.  I let out a sob.  He let out a shaky breath and stood up from the bed.  He reached for it but I didn't let him have it.  I hugged it close to me.  He went for it again.

"Patrick" he snapped. 

"No!" I yelled.  He stared at me like he couldn't figure out what the hell to say to me.  "Whyd you keep it?" I blubbered.

"I forgot about it" he admitted.  I cried a little harder.  He finally got it from my grip. 

"Don't!" I yelled when he was about to shred it in half.  "You said you loved me in it" I whispered placing my hand on it "You didn't even know me"

"I did" he said gently "I did know you" I took it back from him and folded it up.  "I noticed you okay?  I would pass and see the music you liked on your phone, and the books you stuffed all the way back in your locker because you were scared your asshole friends would see them.  I saw the artwork in your notebook, and the way you'd cover it when Andy came around.  I saw everything.  I didn't have to talk to you, because I took notice to you.  Before anyone else did, and that's why it was so fucking easy to fall for you the way I did" I fell to my knees on the floor.  Pete dropped to.  He too the stupid note from my hands.  "Look at me" he said gently.  I looked up at him, and watched him tear the note to shreds.  "I'm not alone anymore Patrick" he said "I wanted to die because I thought no one cared, and now I know you care.  Especially now" He collected me in his arms as I cried.  And we talked about everything trying to calm me down.  Occasionally, when I did calm down, as he rubbed my back soothingly, I made him promise me he wouldn't die yet.  That he wouldn't leave me.  He of course said he promised he wouldn't die yet and wouldn't leave me.  Not, by his own hands at least.  And I think we stayed that way until the sun rose.  By then, he was dressing himself, and though we were both a mess, we went to school.  Hey, we were a mess together.

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