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"Hey" I jumped a little looking up from my notebook to see who was talking to me.

"Andy" I said "Hi"

"It's been a while" He said smiling. I nodded.

"Well, you did all start ignoring me when I started dating Pete so yes, I guess it has been a while" I said.

"Speaking of which, I'm assuming you're drawing him right now?" I closed my notebook with my half done drawing of my boyfriend. "You never told me you were good at art"

"The only person who knows is Brendon" I said.

"Why're you still here? School's over" he asked.

"Because I'm waiting for Pete, he's making up a test" I said "Is there a reason you're suddenly interested in my existence?"

"Hey, turn down the patitude, I'm just trying to talk" he said.

"You ditch me for two months and you just wanna talk?" I snapped "Why should I give you the time of day?"

"We ditched you because you started dating disgusting villainous scum!" he yelled.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!" I yelled "He's not a villain and he's twice the man you'll ever be! I can't believe I ever went out with you and I can't believe I considered doing it again!"

"Did you ever think maybe that's why I stopped fucking talking to you?" he growled "Because one second you were forgiving me for cheating on you and considering being mine again, and the next you're dating scum" I punched him hard across the face.  He stared at me in anger and grabbed my wrist.  His eyes lit up, and slowly, he started burning my wrist. I yelled out in pain. He let me go and I fell to my ass. I got up. "What're you gonna do? Call your scum on me?"

"I said don't talk about my fucking boyfriend like that!" I yelled. I whammed him up against the lockers so hard he almost went through them. He stared at me in shock. I threw him to the ground. He grabbed me pulling me to the floor. He started burning my wrists. I screamed loudly shoving my head back into the floor. I couldn't breathe from the amount of pain I was in. And then, he stopped. He stood up leaving me on the ground trying to get the pain to stop. I stared at the third degree burns on my wrists.

"When did you get powers?" he asked in a snarky tone. "You still cant beat me" He looked up and smirked. "Here to save the day?"

"What the fuck did you to do him!?" I heard Pete yell. He knelt down next to me. I stared at him in pain. I couldn't move my hands. They were stuck in a claw shaped position. "I'll fucking kill you!" Pete growled. He lunged at Andy. Andy moved last second.

"Pete no!" I yelled "Don't!" Andy lit a flame with his finger.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, unless burning is how you wanna die scum" he spat "Catcha on the flip side" he started walking away. Pete crawled over to me.

"I have to get you to the hospital" He said.

"No, Pete" I said "I can't afford another trip to the fucking hospital"

"I don't care you've got third degree burns on your fucking wrists!" he yelled. He went to pick me up but I grabbed his arm to stop him. "Ow!" He yelled pulling away. I stared in shock at the burn mark on his arm. He stared at it as well. "I thought-" he started "You said you didn't have anymore powers" I looked up at him.

"I thought I didn't either" I whispered.
"You're a copy cat" The doctor said walking in. We stared at him in confusion. "You can copy other people's powers" he said.

"So, thats my power?" I asked.

"Yes, but as you steal more powers you lose a power" He said "So stealing Andy's fire probably made you lose something you didn't practice as much, like your flying, or Petes power"

"So theres a limit?" I asked.

"A time limit yes, if you don't practice a power you lose it. So by now, you probably only have your strength and speed, and of course Andy's power. You said you never use your water powers either. You could also purposely get rid of a power if you try. Most copy cat's can only have up to four powers. You however seem to be an exception, you started with five" he said "You have to learn to control it. You don't want to start breathing fire or crushing desks with your strength or something in the middle of class. As of right now your body randomly takes powers. Did you really choose to have Petes power? No" He smiled a little "Your power is extremely rare, I wouldn't tell many people about it. As for your burns, you'll be just fine. Have good one huh? Keep yourself out of trouble" he got up and left the room. I looked over at Pete. He stared ahead in thought.

"Now what?" I asked. He looked over at me.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Andy dated?"

"Because it's not important" I said.

"It is to me" he said.

"Why?" I asked defensively.

"I-I dont know!" he whined "Because, I dont know, did you like, love him more?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No" I said "I love you more"

"Are you saying that because you're obligated?"

"Pete, no" I said.

"Now I'm insecure" he said as we walked out of the hospital room.

"I love you, and thats all that matters" I said.

"He's just so much more handsome than I am and-" I kissed him to shut him the fuck up. I pulled back slowly.

"Pete, shut up" I said "I love you more" He frowned a little "And I can prove it to you" I bit my lip "I always told myself I would never sleep with someone I didn't truly love, and I never slept with Andy" he blushed a little "But, you, I-I uhm, I bought a box of condoms" I said awkwardly unable to look him in the eye "And I wanna give you everything" I whispered "Not today, but when I'm ready, I want you to be my first. And I never felt that with Andy" I looked back up at him "Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said. I grabbed his hand taking a deep breath. "You're all blushy" he smiled.

"Sex is an awkward topic to bring up in a hospital" I said gently. He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

The Villain's HeroWhere stories live. Discover now