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"Hey Julie." People in the hallway greeted me, but only a few. I wasn't popular, but I was friendly. I don't see how though, I always found myself to be rather shy.

"Good morning." I would say, giving each of them a small smile, a few receiving a wave. 

"Another plaid skirt?" My best friend Lucy asks, her eyes rolling in the process of asking her question.

"It's presentable for school." A small confused smile spread across my face.

        I smoothed my plaid skirt, it's not as if it were a knee length one. It was rather short.

"We don't have uniforms, but you are so strict with your outfits." She grumbled.

"If I left my house in anything else, my parents would murder me. Plus I do not see what is so wrong with my button up shirts and plaid skirts, they're comfy." I lied. The button up shirts when buttoned fully the collar bit into my neck.

"Okay I'll let you slide on those, but the tie and the socks along with the mary janes?" Lucy asks as if my entire outfit was heinous. "Do you even own one pair of converse?" 

"Converse?" I cock my head to the side, I've never heard of them.

"It's a shoe brand, I wear them everyday." She pointed to her feet. They were wearing white scuffed up sneakers with laces that were black, I cringed a little.

"My parents would never accept such a thing." I told her with a gulp at the thought.

"Do you ever do anything for yourself?" She asks curiously, her eyes rolling.

"I read." A small side smile appeared on my face. 

"Whatever, anyways," Lucy paused. "Have you heard about the new kid?" Her lips parted into a smile.

"No, where is he from?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed, I usually knew all about this.

"He's from Australia, I heard he's a bad boy." She was wearing her famous Lucy smirk, I knew this meant one thing and one thing only, she would make it her business to get friendly with him.

"Oh, I highly doubt it, I bet you he's really nice," I grab my books for first period.

"I am just telling you what I've been told," She says and walks the opposite direction to her level one physics, where as I was in the highest class of physics. I walked up four flights of stairs and walked into the familiar physics classroom, I would be murdered if I told my parents I didn't understand this class, but I somehow always miraculously came out with a very high grade. Anything below an A+ in my house would mean you would have to redo the whole assignment continuously until you got that A+.

            The door of the physics classroom was closed with a loud bang, it caused everyone's attention in the room to flick from their notebooks to the door. Standing there was a boy, a boy who looked about my age maybe a year older, he had dirty blonde hair, fierce blue eyes, and his lower lip on the right side was wearing a piercing. I was agog as to why his parents would allow him such a piercing, mind would not let me even pierce my ears. 

"I'm Luke Hemmings," His voice was deep with a thick Australian accent. His teeth were visible for a second as he bit down on his piercing.

"Oh yes, Mr. Hemmings, your seat is beside Ms. Winters," Mr. Henderson managed to say with a small cough.

"Who?" Luke asks, obviously he did not know who I was. 

"Can you please stand up?" Mr. Henderson asks, I was some what surprised. I stood up quickly, I obeyed the order asked of me.

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