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       I shivered again, my teeth chattered, I was not prepared to be outside considering I did not know I would be playing for the boys this season. I didn't have any warm clothes.

"Here," Luke says, his sweatshirt from the bench was now resting tucked into my crossed arms.

"I'd prefer to freeze," I bite my lip, I wasn't sure on that, but I didn't want to borrow his sweater with him not caring if I froze or not.

"Just put the damn sweatshirt on," He groaned.

"Why do you want me to wear it so badly?" I ask him.

"All the boys are practically raking down every inch of your body, I see that beneath those plaid skirts and collared shirts you really do have quite the miraculous body," Luke bit down on his lip, which caused his lip ring to be bit down, I watched as his blue eyes scanned me and for a moment I actually felt self concious of my body.

"Does my clothes really affect the way of how people think I am?" I ask him.

"Precisely," He says nodding his head.

"So you didn't finish why you hate me so much," I tell him, my voice small.

"I'll tell you another time, I suggest that sweatshirt now, I'd give you my hoodie, but it reeks of that nasty shit stuff that Nathan wears," Luke made a disgusted face, I slightly chuckled at him.

"Alright," I say, I fought a big smile, a small one slipping to my cheeks though. 

           I grabbed the end of the sweatshirt, my arms crossed as I slipped it on over my head. One would use this motion to remove a shirt or sweatshirt, but I used it to put one on as well. My hair poofed from the static electricity in my hair and the material.

"Here," Luke chuckled, he actually chuckled around me, for some odd reason my heart fluttered at the sound of his chuckle, it seemed foreign to me, but my brain took to it to memorize the sound of it. The new sound from him some how was comforting to me and I couldn't explain how. His hands took to it to fix my hair.

"Oh th-thank you," I stuttered again, it was weird, being around Luke made me feel nervous, no one has ever really made me feel nervous, frightened, but never nervous.

"No problem, so the plan is, I can get through all of them, but I need you to get open right by the goal so we can score," Luke seemed to have planned it out.

"Got it," I say, I would make sure to take notice of off sides, so I would be careful. Luke's sweatshirt was massive on me, it covered somewhere to mid thigh on me. I hiked it up and tucked it into the shorts I had on so it wouldn't catch my running up and slow me down.

"And begin!" Coach shouted, apparently I was clueless and on my first day they would be having a game, I mean I knew the season started last week and Luke just some how miraculously got on, maybe he was really good, that's probably why they let him on. I would be one to get my jersey along with Luke right before the game. My arms and torso were much more warmer with his jumper on, and it smelled like him, I liked the way he smelled if that isn't too weird, he was like a mix scent of vanilla and strawberries.

      I watched as Luke's long legs carried him easily through players, he weaved in and out of their set up quickly, with a slide shot to me at the goal, just before the last defender Luke was pushed out of the way by Calum, luckily the ball had gotten to me. I stopped it and quickly moved, I had to go around several people after dribbling back, I don't want to sound like something from a movie, but that's what it seemed like. I had kicked the ball at the goal post on purpose, it shot into the air, my legs kicked up and I was in the air, I had kicked it hard into the goal, to say that the boys were surprised was the least bit of an understatement. I made sure that when I fell I wouldn't mess up Luke's sweatshirt. I landed in a full push up position, my nose almost touching the ground as I spiraled side ways back down.

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