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              I had to go to the doctor yesterday after school and apprently my doctor already talked to my coach and told him that I shouldn't play - unless one of the guys gets hurt. So basically what I get to do is, I get to come dressed in my soccer uniform with probably a zero chance of playing and cheering for everyone on the side line.

                         I have done a pretty good job at avoiding Luke, Lucy and Ashton all day. Besides classes and locker stops that was the only time I saw him, I didn't speak to him, but he did try talking to me. I had finished all the walls in the art room and my art teacher said she loved them, she said it definitely gave a new look for down here and now the kids could find something to relate to. I kind of liked the idea that around here I would be known for painting the art room walls - but only to the new kids that will come here and they'll ask who painted them, and it won't be Julie Winters daughter of multi- billionares - but Julie Winters, student. Just a plain student. 

              Soccer practice is right now, and I can play in this, and that is actually the only exciting part of my entire day, the fact that I'm getting to play. I went to volleyball yesterday. I didn't know how I was managing doing both and homework, but I've been doing it and I'm just going to keep up with it.

"Alright Winters, you think you'll be good to do shots on goal?" Coach asks.

"Of course," I nod. 

            I hadn't bothered to bring a real shirt, because it always got kind of hot when you were moving around, I was in a black Nike sports bra and a pair of purple spandex with a blue band, and I had my cleats on. The game was in thirty minutes, so fifteen minutes of this and then probably fifteen minutes of partner shots. All the guys were in there uniforms, I was just going to wait to put mine on and Coach said it was fine, because tere was a chance I wouldn't even play at all.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nathan asks as he jogs behind me, he was first in the line to shoot, I was the last.

"What do you mean?" I ask him curious.

"With Luke, I heard about what happened, are you alright?" He asks, and he seemed serious for once, something that was most definitely strange from Nathan.

"Oh yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask him shrugging.

"Because you two were kind of you know," He says hinting at it.

"Well now we're nothing, so I guess it's alright. I'm pretty okay, I just wish I could play the game today," I sigh.

"I know, we really need you on the field today, but if it means you potentially getting hurt again then I'd rather you sit on the bench," Nathan says.

"Such a softy," I chuckle at him.

"Yeah, yeah, only cause I care about you, you're my girl," He says and gives me a small hug.

             I loved Nathan I really did, honest. He's always there for me, sure he can be a little rude sometimes and he does stupid things to me, but I know he loves me. He's my best friend besides Ashton, I just hope I won't lose him like I've lost Lucy and Luke, and now some what Ashton.

                  Practice had ended and the other team would be here in two minutes and I was about to go run and get changed into my uniform.

"Winters go run and change," Coach says.

                   So I did just that, I jogged to the building and walked into the girls locker room, volleyball practice had been over with for an hour so all the girls were gone. I honestly didn't like being in the locker room all alone, but right now it seemed peaceful for me. I was in my shorts and in my socks and shin guards, my cleats in my hand, but I couldn't find my jersey shirt. I left my clearts in the locker room and wandered around looking for my jersey in the lost and found.

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