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    I actually allowed Luke complete control. His strawberry candy like flavored lips were on mine instantly. His hands were on my hips as I was layed back onto the ground. 

"Luke," I gulped.

"I'm not going to hurt you, it's going to probably feel weird for you at first, but i promise it'll be something you will come to like," Luke whispers in my ear. As if he knew I was going to ask what, his hand pushed ran over my thigh again, his touches were as light as a feather. I stayed silent before Luke's hand gripped my thigh gently as he rubbed my inner thigh.

"Mmm," The noise left my mouth breathily.

"Told you," He says smirking. 

     HIs lips came to my collarbone on the left. I sucked in a sharp breath as he blew cool air onto the area he had just sucked on, this as I was known of was called a hickey or a love bite, I guess people preffered the term love bite because it souds a bit more romantic. 

"What have you done to me Luke Hemmings?" I ask him panting from his action.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asks with a innocent smile.

"My parents would never let me leave the house if they found out I let you touch me like this," I tell him as I ran a hand through his hair.

"I'd like to think I can change little Ms. Perfect," He says smiling.

"So I'm a project?" I ask, my face screwing up with a expression of hurt.

"No, just one of my top priorities," He smiles goofy grin. He took this as his moment to pull my dress over me. I was none less than one-hundred percent self concious and embarrassed standing there in my dull black lace bra and american apparel underwear.

"At least your bra is sexy," He smirks.

"Pervert," I speak softly with a chuckle.

"Call me whatever you want, but you'll be screaming my name soon, honey," Luke gave me a wink before his hands ran over my bra, he placed his hands on my chest. My breath hitched and I didn't know if I would be able to catch it again. My heart started pounding and things were making my stomach hurt with a good type of pain. He placed gentle kisses under the bottom of my bra.

"I don't know if I'd scream your name," I tell him.

"Trust me, one day you will," He chuckled against my skin, his hot breaths warming me. "I'd really like to see what you can do though, once you're more experienced," Luke added the note of experience, just because I wasn't experienced did not mean I never read anything, I was always reading, I've probably read nearly everything about just about anything in the entire world.

"Fine," I say and I was suddenly on top of him, Luke Hemmings made me lose control, I was no longer a person that cared, I only thought about him and ways that I could loosen up. I kissed him hard, my fingers playing with the hem of his shirt as we were standing now. I lifted his shirt off of him, I did not expect myself to do that. I took a look at him, I was in awe, and nervous at the same time. My lips placed small kisses from his to his jawline, down his neck and then trailing to his chest.

"I might've been wrong, you might be more experienced than most," His eyebrows raised curiously.

"I told you, I read a lot," I whisper to him as I pushed him against the wall gently, but I guess Luke moved and he ended up dropping a box, one we didn't worry too much about, we just moved it to the side.

"So where is this sudden change coming from?" He asks me.

"You drive me absolutely crazy," I sigh to him.

"And me making you crazy has something to do with this?" His facial expression was amused and interested.

"You make me feel outgoing and spontaneous, I believe it is the vibe you give. I swear on my life that if you did not show up, I would have never have done any of this," I tell him. His black skinny jeans were thrown some where to the side. He pulled me on top of him as we just layed there, I ran my fingers through his hair as he played with mine.

"I'm glad then," He rolled his eyes with a breathy chortle.

"Can you tell me now why you dislike me?" I ask him, my eyes were probably going curious and his were still that same electric blue, but his eyes were softened, much more caring.

"I simple dislike you because you have everything I didn't have when I was growing up. You have a house, you have two parents that love you, you get freedom, you have money to spend on whatever, and you showed up dressed like a rich person. I didn't particularily take you as the snobby type, but the geek type, I guess I was only slightly correct. I just don't really like rich people," Luke says shrugging, as his shoulders moved up, my whole body moved up a bit.

"I am not rich, I hope you understand that. My parents are rich and because of that, they are hardly ever home," I tell him with a sad smile.

"But you're parents are what is going to also make you rich as well," Luke sighs.

"No, I would much rather be in high school playing on a boys soccer team and getting my ankle kicked out than wear designer dresses and live in a mansion," I tell him softly as I just kept continuously running my hand through his soft fluffy hair.

"Good," He laughs.

               There it was. A moment I had been waiting for to earn from Luke Hemmings. One of acceptance and one that finally told me he was pleased with me and my behavior, my life style, my attitude, and everything about me. However there were ups and downs to this situation, I would not know what would become of me with Luke Hemmings, I am an entirely different version of myself with him, yet when I am with him, I feel as I am who I am really supposed to be, not a girl brain washed by her parents fatal flaw that all of their children must graduate with straight A's and succeed into a great job that will hold up their family for the rest of their time alive. It was almost as if he was my reliever.

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