Twenty One

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"So, Luke where'd you meet Julie at?" Will asked Luke as we sat down at the table to eat.

"I met her at school, I was new this year. We also play soccer together." Luke nodded his head as he spoke, his leg was shaking under the table and I knew he was nervous. I knew this was going to be me at his house tomorrow with his parents, I wanted to make him feel less nervous. I placed my hand on his knee, and his body stiffened at first, but then relaxed under my touch.

"Soccer?" Liz and Will both raised their eyebrows, and this time it was my body that stiffened with fear, but then I remembered they would not tell my parents so there was no reason to worry.

"Yeah, I got asked to play on the boys team, mom and dad don't know though." I shook my head.

"Hell right they don't know, and they aren't going too. They'll murder the coach for offering you that opportunity even!" Will exclaimed.

"Yes, I know." I nodded.

"When do they get back again?" Liz asks.

"Tomorrow." I shrug.

"Great." Will muttered

"You leave tomorrow," I rolled my eyes. "you have nothing to worry about." I chuckled.

After dinner Liz and I cleaned up, and Will took Luke outside to talk about soccer most likely. I don't think Will had anything against Luke, even about soccer. I thought they knew I was on the team, I thought I told them. It's so hard to remember things now in this moment.

"Does he protect you out on the field?" Liz asks.

"Do you mean if I get hurt does he kick the persons ass?" I ask. She nodded and her face scrunched up at the foul language that came out of my mouth. "Yeah, he does. He tells them something, he doesn't like the idea of me being hurt." I smiled at that, I liked that he cared about me, it was much different than how I was treated normally. Barely anyone was here, I practically raised myself after Liz and Will left.

"That's good, do you have a game tomorrow," She paused. "I'd really like to see you play before I leave, and I know Will would too." Liz gave me a soft smile.

"Yeah, it's early since it's Sunday, but then after dropping you two off at the airport, I have dinner with Luke's family.

"We'll be there." She smiled.

"Okay." I gave her a soft smile in returned.

"Mexico." Will said.

"Argentina." Luke shook his head.

They continued saying these two places for another thirty minutes, tension had risen.

"Argentina it is, good job. Just seeing if you can stick to your argument." Will gave a goofy grin, but I knew Luke. He does not do well in these situations, I was praying he didn't flip out.

"I don't change my word." Luke shook his head chuckling.

"That's good." Liz smiled.

My siblings continued to interrogate Luke, until I finally told them it was midnight and that they were drunk off their asses, because they had gone through a whole bottle of tequila, trying to convince Luke to take some. Testing him.

"I am so sorry about them." I pouted my bottom Luke, his fingers tugged me closer to him by the belt loops on my jeans.

"Don't worry about it, I see why you are a wine drinker." He laughed.

"I can handle hard liquor too, I just prefer wine." I shrugged my shoulders. "It is easier to sip on."

"I'm sure it is." He smiled.

"Do you really have to leave?" I pouted again.

"Unfortunately yes." He sighed.

"I don't want you to go." I looked up at him, my arms were around his neck, and he had his around my waist.

"I don't want to go either." Luke took it as his turn to pout.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, I guess." I sighed. It was late, and he should be getting home, I didn't want to keep him any longer.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He placed a gentle kiss to my lips, and strolled to his car.

I closed the door, and locked it. I pulled the bottle from earlier out, and took it with me to my room. I worked on some homework, slowly finishing the bottle off.

My sleep was restless, I was asleep, but I didn't feel like I was. I was busy thinking about the game, I didn't like my family coming to my own games, better yet my boyfriend and I's game. It was like torture. I was under a lot of pressure. Then there was the dinner at Luke's house, with his family. His brothers were going to be there even. Terrified. Petrified. Those two words summed up my whole being right now.

I had dressed in my soccer practice gear and left early to go to soccer. We had to be there early to get in a small practice. My soccer gear wasn't much, it was sports shorts, and a sports bra, occasionally a tank top to go over it, and my cleats. I had my uniform in my sports bag that was attached to my hip.

When I reached there, there was Luke chatting up Michael, Calum and Ashton - like they had been friends for ages. The four boys threw their heads back laughing so hard, it seemed like it hurt. I was confused, because not so long ago Luke had beaten them up.

"Julie!" The three cheered, and my boyfriend stuck his hand out with a goofy grin.

"Hey guys." I smiled, and Luke kissed my cheek.

"Luke was telling us about how uncomfortable Liz and Will made him." Ashton laughed.

"Ashton." Luke groaned.

"I'm sorry, I just can't believe you didn't tell us Liz and Will were in." Ashton sighed.

"They just came in out of no where." I grumbled.

"Isn't that the truth." Luke groaned.

"What's with the grumble and the groaning, what did they do?" Calum died down on his laughter.

Luke and I both just sighed.

"Did they ruin your guys moment?" Michael stifled a laugh.

"Yes." It was my turn to groan.

After being interrogated about what exact moment they ruined for us, we began practice. To say the least - today was going to be long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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