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          We arrived at the mall, and Luke helped me out again. It was going to be weird walking around the mall with crutches. I hated the way people stared at you, they made it seem like you couldn't do anything, like you were stupid enough to actually get hurt. 

"So what's going on with Luke and you?" A few of the boys ask as Luke, Calum, and Michael went to go get the pizza, Max and Kyle went to go get drinks, and we saved tables.

"What do you mean?" I ask dumb founded. Luke and I had slept together, but I don't know if that meant anything to him, but I don't think anything is happening between us, it was probably a one time thing. He's jus there for me.

"Like are you two dating?" Nathan asks.

"No, I don't think so," I scratch the back of my neck.

"Oh come on you have to know, have you two slept together?" Nathan asks me another question.

"What?" I ask nearly coughing, was it that obvious that something had happened between Luke and I?

"Did Luke and you do it?" Nathan asks dumbing the question down, but I knew exactly what he was asking before hand.

"No," I shake my hand coughing again.

"Oh my god you did," This time it was Carl that spoke up, and I nearly swatted the kid, Ashton was staring at me now. I usually cared about how people thought about me, and Ashton was one person I always worried about to how he thought about me at times, this was unfortunately one of those times. He looked so angry, and I saw him glare at Luke. 

"No, no we didn't, he just dropped me off home," I shrug.

"I bet he'll say different," Nathan says and gets up, and he leaves the table to walk over to Luke and the other guys.

"Can I speak to you for a minute Julie?" Ashton asks me, and I looked puzzled for a second.

"Of course," I nodded with a small smile, I had to pretend like it wasn't true.

"Is it true, did you sleep with him?" Ashton questions me as soon as we walk away from the table.

"No, no I didn't," I lie, and it was odd lying to Ashton, it was something I never had to do before.

"You're lying," Ashton says.

"No I'm not," I shake my head.

"Yes you are, your lips curve into a small smile and your nose crinkles when you lie," Ashton says, he looked into my eyes the entire time, he didn't lose contact, but I did when I looked away from him and down at my shoes.

"Okay, I did, but Ashton - you have to - you have to understand that I like him - well I think I like him. I'm confused, but I wanted him to, I wanted it," I tell him, how else was I supposed to convince him that it wasn't some drunken mistake, because it wasn't, it really wasn't. I only had some wine, not nearly as much as I usually have, I just wanted - I wanted to feel it - feel what it's like to be a teenager for once. 

"So you wanted to lose it to him?" Ashton sounded some what disgusted. "You've only known him a few days," Ashton says, and I wanted to yell at him.

"Yes, yes and I enjoyed it, okay," My voice raises a little. "For once I was actually happy about something going on, I wasn't stressed with what anyone thought about me, and I didn't have to worry about getting a grade on it, and my parents didn't judge me," I tell him.

"Whatever," He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," I say and hobble back to the table, being I just left my crutches there. As soon as I sat down again, then the guys came over with the food, Ashton stormed back over with that frustrated look on his face.

"Why did Nathan just ask me that question?" Luke whispers in my ear, he placed a sprite in front of me.

"They thought something happened between us, which something did, but they don't need to know that, so I just lied and said no," I whisper to him.

"Alright," He says.

"Okay," I say.

                 We all gathered around the tables that we had picked out and grabbed the several bunches of plates and we all just kind of ate and we talked and joked around, a few girls that none of seemed to know came up and hit on Luke, I don't know why, but I felt like I wanted to shove those girls away, and my anger levels were rising. My hand found itself placed on his right knee, and he had put his hand, which was bigger than mine on top of my own. 

"So you're not from around here are you?" The girl in the back asks smirking, her eyes fluttering shut every few seconds, her right hand was playing with her hair.

"Obviously he is not from around here, you've been hitting on him for twenty minutes," I roll my eyes at how they were playing stupid. I know Luke didn't like me at first, but it wasn't because he didn't have a thing for smart people, it was because he thought I was some stuck up rich kid. 

"You're just angry because he doesn't like you," One sneered.

"Well if he didn't like me then wouldn't he have been hitting on you back?" I bite back.

"He's just being polite to you," The girl next to her sneers.

"Luke, would you rather be sitting here with me, or walking aroud the mall with these girls?" I ask him, and he was looking at our hands, he had laced our fingers.

"How old are you girls?" He asks them, and I pulled my hand out of his, a scoff leaving my lips before I hobbled off, I'd ask Calum to bring my crutches home with him or something and give them to me later. 

"Where are you going?" Luke shouts not to far behind me. Even hobbling I guess I walked pretty quick.

"As far away from you as possible," I shout back. 

            People stared at us, as we were shouting at each other. Can't they just go back to their own lives, and mind their own business, you don't see me listening to what they are talking about.

"Why?" He shouts, but he was already catching up to me.

"Because you disgust me," I shout.

"Hey come on, I was just messing around back there, I don't like those girls," He says as he wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me around - well spun me around. I nearly screamed at him, because that was how furious I was. 

"I don't care Luke," I frown at him.

"You know I like you," Luke says and he moves the hair away from my neck and kisses it.

"They can all see us," I tell him.

"I don't care," Luke says.

"Kiss me," I say.

"What?" Luke asks shocked.

"Kiss me, if you don't like them, kiss me," I tell him

"Well if you put it that way," Luke says and he pulled me close to him and kissed me hard. Everyone stared, it was because public display of affection tends to make people uncomfortable. Most of the team cheered and hollered and I thought we were going to get kicked out of the mall with the way they were shouting.

          I couldn't find the time to feel bad for Ashton, or to be worried about what they guys were thinking, I just cared about Luke. 

             What has happened to me because of Luke Hemmings?

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