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      I wish I could figure out what's been going on with all the boys lately...ever since they caught Luke and I in Nathan's room like four days ago they have been avoiding me and if they run into me, they bump my shoulder hard and walk away with a cold face. I don't know what I did to get them so angry, I wasn't sure if it was just the idea of Luke and I being together or the fact that they had all found out that Luke was my first, and you knew they knew that just by how disgusted - how dissaproving they looked at me.

"Hey babe," Luke says snaking his arms around me and pecks a small kiss onto my lips. This seemed to get Lucy's attention and she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Hi," I smiled, I just brushed her off. It seemed all for the better for me to just forget about her, and I came to a conclusion that she was just angry at me because I got Luke and she didn't, he was a new student and she didn't have the opportunity to corrupt him, or take advantage of him and make him her boy toy of the week.

"Is something bothering you?" Luke asks concerned.

"Why are Nathan, Ashton, Calum, and Michael all angry at me?" I ask him, my eyes practically showing how desparate I was to figure out the reason why my best friends hated me.

"You don't see it?" Luke asks.

"No, I don't, can you please explain?" I ask.

"They are all madly in love with you, well Michael isn't - Michael is just concerned that you are going to make bad choices mainly because you are so excepting of coming back with me," Luke says.

"I knew it, I knew that it had something to do with them seeing us. I couldn't figure it out, I had been racking my mind for days trying to figure out what the hell they have been so angry about, every time they see me, I can see disgust in their faces and every time they pass by me, they bump my shoulder hard and walk away," I explain to Luke, I probably shouldn't have told him because he looked extremely pissed off.

"Is it like a casual shoulder bump, like they don't know their doing it - or is it an asshole bump when they know they are doing it and they do it hard?" Luke asks, his hands placed on my arms as he looked into my eyes. I knew how serious he was being.

"Asshole bump," I look at the ground, which broke our eye contact, and as soon as I looked up I saw all the anger flow to his face. If he were a cartoon his ears would have that steam coming out of them and he'd be all red.

"You should go to volleyball practice today, okay?" Luke asks.

"Luke," What was he going to do.

"I don't wnat you to get rusty on volleyball babe, trust me just go to volleyball practice, and this way it will give Nathan and them some time to cool off and except that they don't run your life and your choices that you make," Luke says.

"Fine," I shrug.

"Now go to volleyball, and I'll go to soccer," Luke says.

"Alright," I sigh.

"I'll pick you up after practice, I'll tell coach I have to leave early, and then we can head to your place or my place, whatever you want or feel like," Luke kissed my forehead.

"Okay, now get to practice before you're late," I chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you," He smiles.

"I love you too," I kiss his cheek before we head our separate ways.

          I got to the gym and I changed into my sports bra and my spandex and I slipped on my knee pads and my shoes. I walked into the gym and I came in early I guess, so I took out one of the balls and I began passing with the wall, occassionally serving at it.

"Julie!" I heard some shout and suddenly someone was rushing into the gym panting.

"Julie, Julie you have to stop Luke, you have to - he's - he's pissed and he's beating the shit out of Nathan, Ashton, Calum, and Michael," I turned to see it was Carl.

"He's what?" I ask missing the ball as it came back from the wall, it shot past me. "Where is he?" I ask frantic, stupid Luke for caring.

"He's out back, coach hasn't gotten here yet and I figured since you haven't showed up to practice yet I'd find you in here, please - he won't stop, we've all tried," Carl pleaded.

           I didn't have to hear any more as I ran out to the back, I saw that Ashton was about to throw a punch at Luke, but Luke only had to stick his hand out at him and Ashton was back on the ground, but Luke punched him, and the guys were crowding.

"Luke!" I shouted. He didn't stop, he just had them all and he was punching them, and he wouldn't stop. "Luke!" I shouted again. I walked up and placed my hand on his arm, his arm moved back like he was going to punch me, but he didn't as I said his name again and I wasn't scared of him. "Luke," I said calmly. I didn't even flinch, I kept a stern look.

"Julie," He gasped.

"Come with me, now," I say and dragged him away from the boys, but he was barely bugding. 

"They were assholes," Luke muttered under his breath.

"Yes they were, but it doesn't give you any right to beat the living crap out of them," I tell him.

"They were hurting you and someone hurting you isn't okay, especially if they are hurting you because of me," He says.

"I can handle myself, I handled you and look at us now, I've handled them for years now, believe me Luke I can honestly handle myself, I've had to do it all my life," I sigh.

"But now I am here to protect you," Luke sighs.

"You better hope they don't press charges, Luke you will be in so much trouble," I was afraid for him now.

"They won't - believe me," Luke mutters.

"You don't know that, now come on. Go get your gym bag with your clothes and meet me by the car," I say and walk away. I walk into the gym and get my bag from the locker room with my clothes shoved in it. Luke did exactly as I told him to do and he met me right by the car. 

             I honestly didn't know what I was going to do with him.


~ Small Authors Note ~

         Okay, so I usually don't promote my other stories or do author notes, but I wanted to do a little one at the end of this chapter. 

I wanted to thank all of you that comment and vote and actually read my story! I love you all so much, honestly you have no idea how much it means to me that people actually enjoy my writing.

          I was curious however  - would you mind checking out my new story 'Trouble' maybe vote and comment if you like it? I am really excited to start this one, and I am having fun writing it so far and it's just the beginning. I have high hopes for it - just like I do this one. 

      I am so glad the amount of people that enjoy this one do - I will try and update as much as possible, but I have school starting soon and I actually have to focus a lot during that time - but I will do my best to update, I promise.

          I love you guys, thank you so much.

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