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       The dinner party with my mum and Luke along with his family and many other people wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

"Luke say goodbye," His mom nudged him.

"Oh yeah, goodbye, thank you for bringing me along with you, I hope your leg heals quickly," Luke says.

"Thanks, I'll see you on Monday," I give him a soft smile.

        He was much different from the first day I met him, no I had never actually really gotten to know Luke Hemmings, but this was definitely one of those times I wish I had gotten to know someone, he is basically my all now, he is my thoughts, he is my words, he is my everything.

"So Luke is quite the gentlemen," My mother says as we reached the car.

"Indeed he is," I nod to her with a small smile.

"So do you care to explain to me what happened?" She asks raising an eyebrow at my crutches.

"Oh it's a minor fracture in my foot, I'll just have to wear this for the rest of the week and do my best to stay off of my foot. I fell down the stairs," I lied to her, lying was still a foreign feeling to me. I never had any reason to, until Luke Hemmings entered my life.

"Well I would like for you to avoid wearing slacks, because they will just look hideous with that boot on your foot. We can go shopping tomorrow," My mom stuck her nose in the air with a disgusted look at my boot.

"That sounds grand, I'll make sure to clear my schedule, but I do have an appointment for my hair at around ten mother, so could we go shopping for apparell afterwards?" I ask her.

"Of course, what are you getting done to your hair?" She asks me curiously.

"I am getting it trimmed, layered and highlighted. Just my usual," I tell her.

"Highlights, you've never gotten highlights," She says.

"Oh well those are new, I just thought I would try them out," I tell her with a half smile.

"They might possibly look okay on you, just call me when your appointment is done, I'll drop have someone drop money off to you," She says.

"Wait so you're not going to come shopping with me?" I ask her tilting my head in confusion, she usually always went shopping with me.

"I want to let you be a normal teenager, I realize your father and I have been pushing you to this level of perfection like we did your borther and sister, I don't want you to be that way Julie, I was never like this, I got to be like this at around the age og twenty three when I met your father. I was always reckless and disobeying my parents because they tried to put me through what I'm doing to you. I'm sorry, I really am. Now I'm not saying disobey me, I'm saying feel free to buy clothes, please just keep them in my appropriateness," My mother says, never have I ever heard her be more sorrowful and angry at herself.

"Thank you," I tell her nodding.

"Just don't take advantage of the opportunity," She says sternly.

"I won't," I say.

              We were back at the house and my mom went to her room and I went to mine, neither of us up for a chatter, I saw her take a bottle of wine with her, as did I. What she doesn't know, would probably kill her, but I just felt like taking it with me to drink while finishing up homework. I made sure to grab the glass before walking up entirely.

             I set the glass in my hand as I uncorked the bottle again, it was already half way gone from last weekend. I poured myself a nice half glass as I set my mac up beside me, and all of my homework in front of me, I pulled my hair into a bun, and I walked to my closet. I dropped my clothes into my hamper and pulled on a pair of pink sweatpants and a nice thin strapped shirt because it wasn't too cold tonight. 

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