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We stood there in front of the food court kissing, it was now obvious to all of the soccer team that there was definitely more to Luke and I.

"Fuck this!" Ashton hollered and he slammed his chair back into the table as he started to storm towards the mall exit.

"I'll be back Luke," I tell him as our fingers were intertwined.

"You should let him cool off," Luke warns.

"He's like my brother," I tell him and even though I wasn't supposed to be running, I ran after him, my foot throbbing.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin stop!" I hollered.

"Why you gonna kiss Luke in front of me again!" He yelled.

I ran infront of him before he left the mall grounds, my hands held his shoulders and I was mainly supporting myself on him because I was about to fall over from pain.

"Stop, please. I can't run after you anymore, my crutches are in there, Ashton" I tell him as I sucked in a sharp breath.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his anger vanished and concern and worry showed on his face.

"I'm fine, Ashton, I didn't know it bothered you. Luke - he makes me feel like I'm normal, he didn't treat me like I was fragile when he first met me. sure it annoyed me that he hated me, but it was only because of what he thought about me, and he kind of took time to get to know me. I like the way he makes me feel," I explain to him.

"So you don't like him - just the way he makes you feel?" Ashton asks.

"No, I like him - I like him a lot," I explain sighing.

"Why? How?" He questioned. "You just met him," He sounded angry again.

"I know Ash, I know - but it's happening quickly and it feels right," I was about to cry and I don't know why, maybe from all the emotions I was feeling.

Luke came out with my crutches and handed them to me. He offered to take me back home, but only when Ashton said he was going to go back inside and get his stuff.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Luke asks looking at me all over.

"No, he didn't hurt me. I was trying to calm him down and explain this, but my ankle hurts from running," I tell him.

"Hop on," He says and bends down again.

"No, no. I'm in a skirt Luke, and you brought my crutches, I should be fine," I give him a soft smile as I take my crutches and some weight is lifted off of my ankle. He took my car keys. "You're just being so nice lately, it's so odd from when I first met you," I explain to him.

"Look how quickly you got me to like you," Luke shakes his head.

"I wasn't trying, I think you just fell for me," I smirk at him.

"Oh really?" He smirked back, and I just giggled slightly.

As we got into the car, I sat in the passenger seat and Luke took the drivers seat. I could trust him driving my car. As soon as he pulled out of the mall parking lot, his right hand found its way to my left thigh in the middle. I shifted at first because I was surprised. His thumb rubbed the inside.

"Luke," I spoke coughily.

"Yeah?" He asks looking at me, he acted like he wasn't doing anything, but you could see a small smirk forming on his lips as he looked away from me.

"Your hand," I cough again.

"My hand is on the wheel," A hint of amusement evident in his voice.

"Your hand is on my leg," I tell him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks cocking his eyebrow. "Oh look we're almost there," He says smiling as his hands slid up higher. My skirt started to bunch up and he gave my upper thigh a small squeeze as we turned the corner and I gasped.

"You alright?" He asks smirking, he got the response he wanted, you could tell by that smirk.

"Look we're here," I tell him.

I got out of the car and grabbed my crutches and Luke got out of the car.

"I should probably get going," Luke stood there. Is he serious right now? Oh, no. He's not leaving yet.

"You are not leaving," I say to him.

"Why not?" He asks amused.

"Because I said so Luke Hemmings, so get in the house before I have to shove you in there with my crutches," I tell him and he kind of just chuckled as he walked in and up to my room, I followed behind him not so far behind.

"So why exactly didn't you want me to leave?" Luke asks as I enter the room, he was sitting on the side of my bed, his legs spred apart a bit, and he was staring at me, his fingers messing with his hair as he tried to fix it.

I didn't say anything in response, I just threw my crutches and hopped into his lap, my legs wrapping around his torso, my arms dangling around his neck, but running through his hair as he soon put his hands on my hips.

"Mm," A small moan left my lips as he moved his hands lower. "Luke," I breathed out breathless.

"Mhm?" He mumbles kissing me back harder.

"Please?" I beg him.

"Please, what?" He asks laying me down against the bed. "What do you want me to do baby?" He asks kissing my neck.

"You know what," I tell him breathing heavily.

"Alright," He smirks into my neck.

"Good," I tell him smiling.

In just seconds actions were repeated, and I must say the first time was amazing, but the second time is even better. Is it bad that I love how Luke reacts when I tug lightly on his hair? His lips part, and his light blue eyes turn darker and he lets out a small moan.

We layed there under my blankets, just cuddling into each other. If I haven't said it before I'd like to say if now - I don't know how we happened, but I'm glad we did.

"So what was your first time like?" I ask Luke, I knew it was a personal question, but I figured I'd just ask him.

"Well, let's just say I had to sneak into her house with her letting me in through the front door and her mother was in the other room down the hall," Luke says and I looked at him a little shocked.

"Me?" I ask him.

"Yeah, you were my first," Luke says.

"Are you serious?" I ask him, I was so surprised. "You came into school with this vibe - you know? You just gave off that you were kind of trouble, and a heartbreaker," I whisper the second part.

"Well I fooled you then, because you were my first," He says and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'm just glad we were each others firsts," I tell him.

"Me too," He says.

I was laying here in bed, with this boy - this boy who came from Australia. He hated me at first, and now we moved onto this - I don't know how Luke and I got here in such a short amount of days, but we sort of came to this - I don't know why, but it feels nice. Honestly I know not every teenage girl is doing exactly this - but most of them probably are and I like this and my mother would probably say I shouldn't be doing things like this - it just feels nice to be normal for once and Luke is giving me a chance to be normal and equal, no matter who my parents are or who I am because of them, he treats me like anyone else and thats what I like.

Could Luke Hemmings be something good for me, or will this blow up in my face and will it all be a disaster?

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