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"Luke seems so nice," Lucy gushed to me as we sat down at our lunch table. A few of Lucy's friends took seats around the table.

"He's anything but nice, he was so rude to me," I tell her as I took a sip of my water. I was never one to eat lunch, that was another thing my parents were very strict on, body weight, we must have the right amount of muscle, but still weigh within our approximated weight. I usually only drank water, I would have breakfast, a huge breakfast and that would full fill lunch and then dinner would come and I still wouldn't be too hungry, so I eat small portions. People tell me I let my parents ruin my life, but I think they are just trying to help me succeed. 

"It's because you are too nice," Bethany speaks up rolling her eyes.

"All I did was say hello and ask him if he was from Australia and he practically told me to never talk to him," I tell them.

"Maybe he was having a bad day, it has to be tough leaving home," Margo says, her blonde hair now tucked into a ponytail as she took a fork full of salad to her black lipstick colored lips.

"Maybe you should invite him to sit with you lot, you go do it Julie. I'm sure Luke would be so happy to have his girlfriend ask him to eat lunch with her," This time it was Ashton, he was the most popular boy here, he showed up freshman year, he was our first Australian, Luke is our fourth one.

"I am not his girlfriend, he is so rude," That was all I could repeat that he was rude.

"Just because he is rude sweetheart, doesn't mean you don't like him," Ashton tsk'd in my ear before taking four long steps to his friends table, there sat Calum and Michael. I however obliged to Ashton's suggestion. I walked over to his lunch table, he was all alone, people watched me, it was almost as if every step I took towards him I attracted more attention.

"What in the hell do you want now?" Luke asks, his facial expression was displeased which didn't suit his soft blue eyes.

"I was curious if you'd like to have lunch with my friends and I?" I ask him, my weight shifting from both legs to my right side.

"No thanks," He grumbled.

"You sure?" I ask him inquisitively, my eyebrows raised, and my lips pursed.

"Positive, now fuck off," He says, the skateboard that he carried with him to every class was now set beside him.

"I apologize for disturbing you at lunch, I was just attempting to be friendly," I sigh as I ran a hand through my messy hair, I walked back to the table. There the girls sat anxiously.

"He told me to leave in a not so kindly manner," I tell them with a frown, I was not sad that he declined my offer, but the fact that he hated me and he didn't know a single thing about me.

"Do you know why he does't like you? Everyone I've talked to said he's quite the funny boy," Bethany spoke up.

"I don't know, I've been trying to figure it out, but nothing is catching my eye as to why he could hate me," I sigh.

"I don't hate you, I just don't particularly like you," Luke's deep voice startled me and my water bottle was in the air, he caught it without blinking his eye. He walked to the side of the table, out from behind me and stuck his hand out holding it, people stared at him.

"Th-thanks," I stuttered for the first time in my life.

"No problem Winters," That was all he said before walking out of the cafeteria.

"What the hell was that?" Lucy squeals.

"Why did you tell me he was behind me?" I groan.

"It was much more funnier, plus you learned that he doesn't hate you," Margo smiles, a green leaf stuck to the side of her mouth, which I would presume to be lettuce.

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