Chapter #4 ~Disbelief~

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-Leo's PoV-

Me and Nico sat on his bed. while i let him cry into my shirt and i stroked his back. "T-t-thank you L-l-leo" He stuttered looking up at me. i felt my heart being crushed in a milion peices. he looked so terrified... "Don't have to thank me..." I said grinning at him. "Mr. Supersized Mcshizzle just does his job" I chuckled and i heard Nico laugh, he laughed... when he laughed i feel it fill me with happiness, it was one of the sounds you once hear then once it vanishes you miss it so badly.

We blinked and stared at each other then we burst out laughing again until we heard someone clear his throat. i turned around and saw Percy standing there VERY angry. I heard Nico gulp behind me. but the next words that wen't out of Percy's mouth surprised me "Leo i need to talk with you" He growled. I nodded and stood up when i felt a tug at my shirt, i looked down, it was Nico. he looked like a kid who just lost his mother in the mall. "Don't worry i'll be back" I said to him grinning and he smiles at me and lets go. i walk up to Percy.

He grabbed my shirt and rougly pulled me out "Ow! hey!" I hissed painfully as he pulled me. "do NOT play with Nico's feelings got it?! He was in to much heartbreak already? i know you guys are gay but don't even DARE hurt Nico's feelings!!" He growls and i stare up at Percy "I am NOT playing with Nico's feelings! i like him i really do!!" I growled pushing past him and walking to the hades cabin.

I smiled at Nico as i walked in and i sat beside Nico when i heard a thump and when we turned we saw Percy and the rest of the seven standing in the doorway. I heard Nico whimper slightly behind me. but his eyes were cold and emotionless as he stared at the doorway.

-Nico's PoV-

I stared as Percy glared at Leo "Nico has dealt with enough pain and heartbreak for his age!! You guys can stay together just please do not break his heart. his heart hasn't been broking for 5 years now and i don't allow you to start now" Percy says sternly and i feel anger flare inside me. if only he knew that i LIKED him.

I looked up angrily and i saw Annabeth. Jason. Piper. Hazel. Frank looking at Leo and me and Percy. Jason caught my eye and nodded. Jason was the only one that knew i had liked Percy. Before Leo could argue back i felt anger burst inside me. hot new anger.

"i haven't dealt with heart break for 5 years?! i haven't dealt with heartbreak for only 1 year Jackson! i have been dealing with heartbreak for the past 4 years! whenever i saw you with Annabeth! you try to protect me from heart break but YOU! YOU were the one breaking my heart! you Pathetic-!!" I yelled in anger and frustration and will to Protect Leo. "I thought you HATED me!" Percy explains, "HATED YOU?! i did the exact OPPOSITE of hate you! your such an idiot!" I yelled and grabbed Leo's hands and pushed past the 7 demigods. who looked shock. started. and.... crazed. I pulled Leo the Lake.

"You liked Percy?" Leo says softly "Yeah. LIKED ok?" I say to him "But i like you know Repair Boy. and i'm glad you like me back" I say smiling at him. my heart thumped against my chest and their were slight butterflied in my stomach. "I Love you Ghost kind" He murmurs in my ear "I love you more Repair boy" I whisper and he makes me turn my head. and kisses me.

I ignored everything else happening as his lips crashed into mine. I kissed back without hesitation and his hands were cupping my face. i lifted my hands to let it move through his hair.


Thank you guys so much for reading! ^-^ and.... there IS a lot of Valdangelo shippers huh? hahaha xD

See you soon my Minions!

~ XxLegend_WriterxX

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