Chapter #3 ~Confession~

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-Nico's PoV-

"You....Like me?" I stutter, still shocked and i felt my face heat up slightly. this was SO not like me. Leo nods and looks up at me "I like you to... supersize mcshizzle" I chuckle. Leo smiles and i hear the sound of a trumpet. "W-woah. oh yeah... War games" Leo chuckles and i shake my head "Your forgetful" I laugh and stood up. i...laughed? i haven't laughed in a long time and it honestly felt... felt a little nice.

"Come on di Angelo" Valdez says grinning his usual grin and i can't help but grin as well. "Who won?" I mutter, "Team 1" Leo says softly "We won" he says, I groan inwardly... i wanted to honestly win...

~~Time Skip: After War Games~~

"NICO!!!" I hear a yell, i look at Leo before i turn around and i see Percy standing there. there were some bruises on his arm and there was a bruise on his jaw, i flinched. he looked... terrible, but no... i'm over him, "Where the heck were you?! we needed you in battle!!" He says looking angry and i feel fear shudder through my body "S-s-sorry perce" I say softly and look down, "Sorry my-Ugh!" He grumbles and i see Leo's fist clenc from the side of my eyes. "Look Percy. it wasn't his fault. it was my fault! we were just chatting-" Leo piped up but Percy interupted "Chatting?! Nico you were supposed to be helping!!" He growls, i look up at him. right into his eyes.. i began to falter but regained my courage. it wasn't sadness... or love that was feuling my courage, it was anger.

"Leave me Alone Percy!!!" I yelled and turned and dashed towards my cabin. tears were running down my face, i hadn't been scolded... i was only scolded by bianca or hazel... "NICO!!" I hear a yell behind me but i ignore it and keep running. pushing my cabin door open and jumping on my bed. laying my head on the pillow and sobbing.

-Leo's PoV-

"Nico!!' I yell after him but he ignores me and runs inside his cabin. shutting the door behind him. I turn to look at Percy who looked a little shocked and sorry "Look what you did!!" I snap, which wasn't really like me, "I'm sorry! i jus-" Percy starts to explain but i just turn and run after Nico.

I knocked on the hades door once. there was no answer until... "Go away!" I hear a voice say, it sounded stuffy like he's been crying "Nico..." I say and open the door... doing the complete opposite of 'go away', i saw Nico curled up in his bed, sobbing into his pillow. "Nico... nico it's alright" I murmur sitting beside him and i hesitantly lower my hand to his head, and started stroking his hair. i could feel his body tense at the touch then relax "L-leo...??" he mumbled opening one eye to look at me then he sits up and looks at me. His eyes... oh his eyes looked like it was in so much pain and sadness... it tore my heart so badly... "Yeah Nico?" I answer slowly and softly "Why don't i fit in with anyone? why am i so different? i don't beling hear Leo... it would be better if i had died" He sniffled looking away from me. 

My heart snapped at how vulnerable he looked. he looked like a little puppy that had been broken... i guess that IS nico... he's broken and nobody had been there for him, nobody had been there to help him. well that's all going to change, ",no Nico please don't say that" I murmur and he looks at me straight in the eyes and i bite my lip "Admit it Leo... please don't lie, i don't want to feel lies again..." Nico says and i wrap my arms around him. "i am NOT lying Death Boy. I won't let you suffer alone. Never again. i'll be watching out for you" I say resting my head on his shoulder as he does the same to me but only more hesitant.

"Oh..." I hear a voice say int he dorway and i see Annabeth standing there. her hand over her mouth and she was shocked, then a grin spread on her face "Sorry..." She says and closes the door.

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