Chapter #19

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-Next Morning-

-Nico's PoV-

I woke up, it was still early morning. around 6 or 7 i guess but there were a lot of campers already bsutling around. I stood outside Bunker 9. Outside the place where leo and i did....IT.

I sighed and walked back inside Bunker 9. My bottom still hurt like hell that i flinched and staggered slightly. "Leo! Leo wake up!" I groaned kissing is head, "Nicoooooo" He groaned and his eyes opened "Wake up, since when did you wake up later than me?" I smirk ruffling his hair.

"Since i lost my virgiinity you F*cking idiot" Leo smirks and i laugh "Whatever Leo, get up" I say and poke him between his eyes. "Fine" He mumbled and sits up and he yelps and places a hand on his lower back. "Ow! Ow!" He hisses and i flinch.

Eh...his ass must really, hurt.....

"Tssss" Leo hisses painfully, his eyes shut "Sorry" I mutter and held out a hand which he grabs and pulls himself up. hunching slightly, "C'mon Leo...i'll help you to the Dining Pavilion" I smile slightly and smirk slightly as Leo wraps his arm around me shoulder and he wobbles like a penguin to the door.

"Hi Leo! Hi Nico!" Percy says cheerily as he walks up to us "Hi perce" I say nodding and Leo grunts in greeting "Woah, woah did you guys switch brains or something?" Percy laughs and i chuckle which makes leo glare at Percy "Nico is Big, he may look small but he's Big. if you get what i mean" Leo smirks and Percy and I turn red. Deep red.

"L-Leo!" I stammer and if possible blush even more "Don't deny it" Leo says at me even if he is still a little hunched over. "Yea...i'll just-uhhh-just-i''ll-....yeah bye" Percy says quickly and runs away, still looking very Red and VERY uncomfortable.

I looked at Leo and he sticks his tongue out at me "Whatever" I chuckle and he waddles beside me as we walk towards the Dining Pavilion.

Upon being stopped by Jason. 'woah, Woah, Woah. Did you both really do-" Jason made a fake cough "IT...oh my gosh don't tell me you really did IT" Jason says wide eyed and a uncomfortable look on his face "Uh..okayyy....we won't tell you" Leo says slowly and JAson groans "Ok i don't care if you guys are gay but Percy...IS SCARRED FOR LIFE" He says slowly and i laugh "Hahaha!" And Leo and Jason als bursts out laughing as three of us head to the dining pavilion.

Sorry this was a short and boring chapter guys :( It's mostly a Filler too but i've been thinking about more 'plots' and 'sadness' and i have been doing a lot of things laterly

*Cough* yeah *cough* lots of things *cough*

Ok so bye!!!

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