Chapter #23

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3rd Person View

Percy grabbed Leo by the shirt collar, making Calypso yelp in surprise and shock "CALYPSO.GET.OUT.OF.HERE." Percy hisses, his anger taking the best of him "NOW" He growls and Calyspo, with a shaky gulp runs away.

Percy turned his attention back to Leo who shut his eyes and grapsed percy's wrist that was holding his shirt collar. "Pe-Percy please! it's not-" Leo stammered, opening his right eye slighty.

"You A$$HOLE" Percy growls pinning Leo against a tree "How could you do that to him?!?! 7 years of playing with his heart and then you just go of and pull a nasty stunt like that?!" Percy yells pinning Leo against the tree harder earning a cry of pain. "how LOWER could you go?!" Percy hisses.

Tears blurred Leo's vision "Percy...Percy please, please, please." Leo began "It's not like it seems. she misunderstood. i was going to propose to Ni-Nico i swear!" Leo whimpers.

Percy widens his eyes.

-Nico's PoV-

I walked through camp. plants dying every place i stepped. "Hey Nico!" Jason grins waving at me. my old scowl was back and glare. i glared at hiim through my tears "Woah, woah what happened" Jason asks.

"Leo he-" My voice broke as tears poured down "He-He..." I couldn't seem to form the words "He- just-he-i'm sorry i can't-" I broke down in tears. Jason pulled me into a hug, ruffling my hair "Sssh tell me what happened" His voice was steely calm.

I looked up at Jason. my voice cracking "Leo he just.....he proposed" I sniffled, not finishing my sentence "What?! NICO THAT'S BRILLIANT!!!" Jason grins "No, No not to me. To another girl i've never-never seen before" Tears ran down my cheeks and JAson widened his eyes "Are you serious?!" He says shocked "But-but Leo would NEVER do that!"

"WEll he jsut f*cking did!!" I yelled, jerking back from Jason's hug and running to my cabin.

I practically through open the door. some of Leo's stuff was still there, some clothes, some grease and burn marks on the bed...uhhh...don't ask. "I F*CKING HATE YOU!!!!!" I screamed kicking the bed in which Leo's stuff where in.

I repeated those words over and over "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!!!". I thought he loved me, i thought he cared about me. i'm probably acting like such a kid now but hey. would YOU. NOT act like this after you see someone you love, whome you;ve been dating for 8 years, just break your eart by proposing to someone? No? i thought so.

I took quick shallow breaths, falling to my knee's. my hands clutching at my now shorter and less matty hair. my eyes wide and panicked. 

I'm having a panic Attack.!!!

I cluthced at my chest where my heart was. the darkness seemed stronger. seemed more firm. "HELP!" I croaked out, both from the tears and panic "HELP!!!" I screamed. feeling a seering pain in my heart.

The last thing i was was Piper running into the room and calling for help.

Then i Blackout


Sorry the chapter was crappy :) but i hope i can update on friday! :D

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