Chapter #9 ~Surprise~

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Heya guyzzzz!!! XD so did i give ya feels? >;) i left a cliffy in the last part then didn't update in a looong time mwhahahahaha i feel so evil its awesome!!! 

So yeah well, now i'm back annnnddd i would like to give a shout out to....  Justforyoufriend for being so awesome ^_^

And i wasn't able to update in a long time 1) cause im lazy 2) because i had no internet :( so here ya gooooo

-Leo's PoV-

I gulped as i feel everyone's stares at me and Nico "Uhm....hola?" I say softly and i can feel my cheeks heat up.

"YOUR GAY?!?!??!" A crap load of people shouted at the same time. i fiddled with my thumbs nervously, what if they were going to tease us? or worse!!!

"YEAH!!! I'm gay and i love Leo valdez and i don't regret ANYTHING!!!!" I hear Nico's yell from his table and i jerked my head up and turned to stare at him. There were some 'aaawws' and some 'boooos' as Nico marched towards my table, looking quite angry. "N-n-nico?" I stutter as he grabbed both my shoulders "I love you Leo Valdez!!!!" He yells and kisses me on the lips.

There were a lot of wolf whistles and claps and some were yelling in disgust but were soon covered with claps and whoops of happiness. Nico's lips felt warm against mine and felt heavenly and then we slowly pulled apart.

"I love you to Nico... and you know that" I say taking in a deep breath as a big smile comes to my face. I turned to the crowd of demigods "So what if we're gay!! we love each other and that's that!!!" I shouted proudly and i could see percy and jason come towards us. 

"Leo if you dare hurt Nico.... your going to mess with me, got it?" He whispered and i nodded quickly "Good. now... congratualtions" Percy smiles and pats my shoulder making me grin.

Jason walks up to me next as Percy walks to nico. "Wow Leo....." He says awkwardly poking my shoulder "Yeah... sorry man if i...if i failed you or something like that" I mutter looking down. 

"F-f-failed me?! listen Leo, your my best friend and i don't care if your gay. if your happy then i'm happy okay? you made a good joice picking Nico too...." He says with a bright grin and ruffles my hair. "C'mon man i told you not to mess my hair!" I complained then grinned "But thanks"  and we brofistted and percy and jason sat back down. 

then the apollo girl named andy, walked to me and nico beside her half-brother Will. i only remember andy because i remember her brother had died. andy walked to me first because she seemed closser to nico so she has to go to nico last.

"Hey...uh...andy is it?" I say awkwardly and she just nods "I didn't want to come up here and talk to anyone but my brot- ehem....HALF-brother made me so...anyway, congrats" Is all she says before turning to nico.

~Time Skip (do i do this a lot?~

"Hey Nico" I grinned as we walked towards his cabin, the 'party' made us like.... super tired... "yes Repair boy?" He says looking at me with a sleepy smile "Mind if i stay at your cabin tonight? i'm super...super tired" I yawned and i could hear him chuckle "Yeah no problem" And together we entered his cabin.

We both lay down on the same bed and stared at each other.... now that we layed down on the bed, about to fall asleep we didn't feel that much sleepy anymore.... the world sucks like that....

I stared into Nico's coal brown eyes.... or evend darker and he stared into mine. "Valdez....." He whispers as i made my hand go to his waist... beneath his shirt,

WARNING!!! uhm....Weird scene!!! 

"Yeah?" I whispered back as i held his waist, under is shirt. i propped myself up into one elbow to stare at him and i could see him smiling slightly and i smirk playfully and go up and towared over him... and i mean... directly over him, my body only inches from his.

"Valdez.... " He said softly again and i grinned at him "What? want me to stop??" I whisper softly and i slightly felt a little hurt "No... no of course not" He says quickly and grabs my shirt collar and pulls me in for a kiss.

i stop him. "W-why-??" He says softly and i could see a little hurt in his eyes i smiled softly and lifted his shirt up "Oh.... thats why" He whispers and i swear he was smiling, i got of his shirt succesfully and threw it across the room, i place a hand on his biceps and held it down to the bed so he could only move his arm from his elbows to his hands. and i kissed him deeply, then moved the kiss to his lower jaw then treeked up to his ears.

I licked and bit his ear slightly and i feel a shiver run down his spine as i move the kiss lower down to his neck and i kiss around, looking for his sweet spot. and i finally found it.

i was kissing down to when i got below his neck and i felt him stiffen. 'ha, found it' i thought to myself and began kissing that spot more harder, Nico gasped and he clutched my arms as i lick and suck that spot and bit it lightly and kissed it more, much to nico's pleasure and he moaned and i felt myself harden slightly. i smirk lightly and stop, Nico was wide eyed and a little tense and i could see he also hardened slightly.

"J-just t-t-take me alread-dy" He stutters breathlessly staring at me and i shake my head with a teasing grin "No you naughty boy. not yet...." I smirk and i could see him pout and i grin as i take of his pants "What? i thought you said-" Nico begins to say but i shush him and look down at his boxers. black with red hearts...whaaat "Nice boxers nico." I smirked and he groans "whatever" and i smile "I promised i wouldn't take your virginity yet...but... i never promised i couldn't do this..." I smirk.

My hands drifted just an inch over his a little hard 'friend' and he widens his eyes at me as i start to rub my hands on it, up and down. and i could feel his breath hitch and i could also feel him stiffen "L-leo-" he gasps but i rub harder and faster "Leo!" He moans and grips his hands at the sheets as i rub as fast as i can Nico moans some more and i smirk and stop, 

Nico gasps for breath as he calms himself from being stiff and jerking to the side sligthly "So how'd you like it?" I smirked at him "It was nice..." He said still gasping and i smirk "Uh huh" and Nico puts his pants and shirt back on before we go back to sleep.

"You owe me another night valdez" I hear him mutter beside me as we fall into a deep sleep.

Hahahahah sorry XD so..yeah... weird scene... made me VERY... uncomfortable and sent shivers down my spine and..and yeah you get the point! so yeah ^_^

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