Pizza Party

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Bonnie walked through the gate to the park with Shadow on his back, laughing. Foxy was already sat on a bench, waiting for them.

"Hey! Foxy!" Shadow laughed, still being carried by Bonnie.

"Afternoon, lass! I see you're having fun?"

"How'd ya guess?" Bonnie asked, looking exhausted from running while giving Shad a piggy-back ride.

"Just a hunch..." he laughed "So... You seem happier than before?"

"Yep!" she messed Bonnie's hair up

"Do...Do you mind?" he dropped Shadow playfully...

"What was all that about?"

"She began racing me to get here, I was in the lead and then out of no-where she jumped onto my back! So I just carried her here."

"What? It was fun..!"

"For you maybe!"

She punched him playfully and he pulled a face. Chica, Freddy and Gold all walked up to them, wondering why they were all laughing, on the verge of tears.

"Er...I believe we're missing something? Like, why Foxy is on the floor in hysterics?" She asked while pointing at him as he struggled to breathe from laughing so much.

She explained what had happened, still giggling.


"Well... I see you're doing better than the state you left us in?" Gold asked.

"Yes, Bonnie and his...uh..."

"Cousin?" He answered

"Yeah, Bonnie and his cousin helped me out a bit." she looked at the floor slightly and shifted her feet.

It was only now that Shadow took a good look at them all. Chica had short, yellow hair, magenta eyes and was wearing a yellow shirt with a small pocket with a feather design on it, a white hoodie, some white jeans and grey trainers. Bonnie had dark purple, almost blue hair and deep red eyes with a grey shirt, dark purple hoodie and dark blue jeans. Freddy had warm brown hair and matching eyes, with a brown jumper and black jeans, Gold had dirty-blonde hair with a dark yellow hoodie, the same as Freddy's and black jeans. Foxy had red hair and golden eyes, a red hoodie that had fox ears on the hood and black jeans.

"Wait're part of the music department?" Bonnie's eyes lit up as he looked at her jacket and asked her.


"Do you play an instrument?" Chica asked excitedly

"Yeah, I play a few... why?"

"Really?" Bonnie looked surprisingly happy now

"That's cool. I wish I could play..." Freddy muttered, just so she couldn't hear him.

She smiled at the group, "Do any of you play?"

"Bonnie plays the guitar, Gold has a thing for drums and I've learnt a bit of both, Chica and Freddy are both good singers, too." Foxy looked at the group, "Is there anywhere in the school we can practise?"

"Well, actually, I have a hall pass to get out of lessons and just go and use any music rooms, and after school on Fridays there was a music club on, but only three turned up for the first session, and since then, I've been the only one who attends...but I was okay with that, it meant a free one-to-one music lesson!"

"Can we join?" Foxy asked for the group

"Uh, Yeah! It'd be awesome if you lot came!"

"I wouldn't trust Gold around drums..." Freddy said simply

"Fazbear, he's your brother..."

"Shut it, Bunny Boy!"

"Why wouldn't you trust Gold around drums?" Chica asked quietly

"He...just doesn't strike me as musically talented..."

"Anyway..." Shad wanted to leave this conversation quickly before an argument broke out "I think we should get going...if you want, we can play around with some instruments at my place?"


"Yep! but only if we get going now."

"Lead the way then."

They walked back to the house, laughing and joking the entire way. Shad felt around her pockets, panicking.

"I cant find my keys..."

She turned to Bonnie, who was holding a set of keys in his hand. She jumped at him and began chasing him around the front lawn.

"Geez kid! here, here!" He laughed when she had him pinned to the floor.

"Grr...don't scare me like that!" she took the keys and unlocked the door, letting them all in.

"Wow...this place is nice!"

"Well... Make yourselves at home, just please don't make a mess!" she laughed, "C'mon, lets go to my room... Its more of an office with a bed, but all the instruments are in there and Chica looked pretty excited earlier!"

They followed her upstairs. It was quite a big house, but then again, Claire often had friends over, so there were a few guest bedrooms.

"This is my room! there are 4 guest bedrooms as well, so you can take your pick..."

"Not trying to be rude but...there are 5 of us?" Gold mentioned

"Well never...I didn't realise that..." Shad answered sarcastically, she had a habit of that. "Three of the rooms have bunk-beds... When Claire has friends over, they usually bring kids with them... and my 'cousins' stay here sometimes..."

"Oh, that makes sense!"

Bonnie walked over towards the instruments and picked up a guitar. He ran his fingers over the strings. "Its out of tune."

"Yeah... I've been meaning to get it tuned for a while..."

"I can."


"I'll tune it for you." He plucked at the strings and listened carefully. He tightened them expertly and began playing. Without thinking, Shadow walked over to the piano, recognised the song and joined in.

When they finished, Chica was jumping up and down, "That was beautiful! Do you take requests?" She smiled excitedly.

Bonnie looked at Shad and shrugged, "I dunno... Do we, Shad?" he laughed

"Later... But definitely! And if you want, we can teach you an instrument if you like?"

"Really?" Chica's eyes lit up


"Yay!" she went over and hugged Shadow "Thank you!"

Shad checked the clock... 5pm. "What do you want to eat?" she asked the group

A series of "I don't mind, really" and "Its your choice" went around.

"We can get a take-out delivered if you want?" she asked, and everyone seemed to agree. "Wait here, I'll go get a menu..."

They ordered pizzas and fries, enough for a party. It got delivered and it came to a total of £83.75

"Wow... that's a lot... do you want us to give you anything?" Gold asked her when Shad had closed the door.

"No! Of course not! Claire gives me enough money so that I can have a few friends round every week... usually I just spend a bit and save the rest, you've seen my reputation in school..." she spoke quietly towards the end, "Anyway! My treat to you guys! Don't worry about it!"

They took it to her room and set it all out... There was definitely enough pizza...

"Chica, lass, you'll never eat all that by yourself..." Foxy watched as the smallest of the group piled yet another slice of pizza on her plate...

"Oh? Just watch me!" She quickly began stuffing pizza into her mouth...

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