Night 4

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"Hello? Hello? Uh, hey there, night four! I told you you'd get the hang of it!

Ok, so uh, just to update you, uh, there's been somewhat of an, uh, investigation going on. Uh, we may end up having to close for a few days... I don't know. I want to emphasize though that it's really just a precaution. Uh, Fazbear Entertainment denies any wrong-doing. These things happen sometimes. Um... It'll all get sorted out in a few days. Just keep an eye on things and I'll keep you posted.

Uh, just as a side note though, try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems - we're not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just... Stare.

Uh... Anyways, hang tight. It'll all pass. Good night!"

"Well... I could have guessed there was something wrong. I mean, none of them have talked to me since I got back here... 20 minutes ago." She leaned back in the chair and took the flashlight, throwing and catching it every so often.

"Wonder what happened to that drawing?" She left the room and headed for Zach's desk.

The draws were locked, but Zach, being the idiot he was, had left the keys on the desk. Inside the draws were multiple folders, all of the employees.

She pulled a few out, recognising names. There was her own, a few of the cooks and undertakers', 'Jeremy', 'Fritz' 'Mike' and 'Afton Family."

"These are gonna be so old..." She place back the cooks and undertakers, but decided to search through the others.

First up was Jeremy's. The first thing she noticed was a small red 'X' on the top left. Inside were the papers that he'd have signed to prove he was working there, then there were other scraps of paper, incident report slips and complaints.

'Jeremy Fitzgerald, 23.

Details: Employee of Fazbear Entertainment. Night watch at Freddy Fazbears Pizza.

Complaint: Nightshift being dangerous and risk of death. Minimum wage. Animatronics moving around at night on Free-roaming. Death threats on desk when entering office. Unsuitable working conditions.'

A series of similar complaints followed, before the incident report slips stating he had broken bones, had minor injuries and right at the back of the folder was the last one: the bite.

She quickly moved onto the next folder: Fritz. There was once again an 'X', but this one was green. His employment papers were sat at the top, with all his details.

'Fritz Smith, 21, Employee - Night watch'

There were incident report slips, complaints along the lines of 'Threats' and 'unsuitable working conditions'. There was a paper saying he was fired for tampering with the animatronics and being generally unprofessional.

"Well... Looks like they aren't doing very well for night guards..."

Next up: Mike.

'Mike Afton, 16, night watch and mechanic. Working at pizzeria for years. Resigned due to out-of-work incidents.'

"That sounds familiar... Mike left after it was only me and Afton. Odd they haven't given any other details..."

She shook it off and opened another folder. Her family's.

Inside was a picture of the six, all happy and in their uniforms, in front of the show stage, which had Chica, Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie and Gold on. The record had all their names on, and no complaints. It stated that Chloe was the business manager, Vincent was the designer and the children were in charge of telling when the animatronics needed servicing, and helping out customers and employees.

Noting else was said apart from Chloe, Elizabeth and Cody were dead, and that Vincent had left and Michael had become the night security guard.

Finally, Shad opened her own folder. At the front were her legal documents, a few IDs and her drawing.

"Why's that here?" She took it out, and looked at it, something seemed different, but she couldn't tell what. Inside the folder were copies of her cheque from the previous week, a description of the jobs she were to take care of and what they expected of her. Unlike the others, there was no mark on the front, all the others had a colored 'X' on the front.

All except the folders of the groups or people working there.

That was the general trend throughout all of them. If they were no longer working, whether they had left, been fired, been killed, injured or otherwise, if they were not working there, they had some form of symbol on the folder.

She was packing up and locking the desk as a familiar humming noise echoed around the establishment. It was, without doubt, the all-too-familiar Vincent walking around.

"Afton?" She didn't bother to try to hide. It was going to be useless, one way or another.

"Shadow? You still alive? That's got to be a record for this company! Someone who took the night shift hasn't been fired in the first week! Or died! That's a first..."

"Quit playing around. Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Well... Those spirits still haunt me. It torments me every second of the day that those poor souls have been trapped in the machines of my making."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into! You dont need to make it sound like its a strange thing now... Ten years later!"

"Ten? Whatever... I don't know how those tiny breaths of life came to inhabit those machines, but they will never find rest. Not now. I didn't know what would happen. I didn't know that they would take control of the animatronics, but I do know that whatever happened was my fault. I came to put them to peace, but I'm not sure how to do it. I'll see you some other time, I suggest you finish removing any trace of you being here, its almost 6 am, but be careful. The spirits are restless tonight... I have a feeling they will be for a while longer..." He vanished as suddenly as he had appeared, seemingly without a trace. She hadn't seen him, but the conversation she had just had wasn't her imagining it.

"I need to get home..."

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