Night 3

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"Night number three!" Shad yelled as the clock struck midnight.

The group had spent the rest of the day in the office, playing games and annoying each other, waiting for the pizzeria to close.

"Bye, Shadow. See you at six!" Zack slammed the heavy front door closed and locked it, before sprinting off to his car.

"Theres something... Off... about him." The Marionette had joined them at the front of the establishment, coming to see what all the noise was.

"You don't say..." Freddy sighed, following the now human figure.

"Welp, theres the phone! Come join me if you want but I shouldn't be long..." She began sprinting towards the office, where the phone was ringing. As custom, she took it and began drawing.

"Hello hello! See? I told you you wouldn't have any problems!

Did...uh... Did Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not. I was just curious. Like I said, he was always my favorite. They tried to remake Foxy, ya know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary, so they redesigned him to be more kid-friendly and put him in Kid's Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained, you know... But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally has to put Foxy back together after every shift. So eventually they stopped trying and left him as some 'take apart and put back together' attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just "The Mangle." Uh...

Oh, hey, before I go, uh, I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. You know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you that, whatever is going on out there, and however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. It's just all rumor and speculation... People trying to make a buck. You know... Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual. And he's on watch from opening til close.

Okay, well anyway, hang in there and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hello! I heared my name?!" Mangle had run down the corridor and jumped on the desk, shouting as per usual.

"Nothing. It was just the phone dude with one of his creepy messages."

The hyperactive Mangle was still layed on the table, knocking things off and humming.

"Whatever. Oh What you drawing?" She continued yelling.

"You'll see..."

"Wait... Is that us?"



"Ow..." Shad said quietly, still focusing on the paper.

"Sorry! Was I really that loud?" Mangle was still being loud, but her yelling was enough to deafen anyone...

"Uh... Yeah... You can be loud. Very loud..."


The Marionette was running towards the office, closely followed by the others.

"What do you want, Mango?"

"Don't you dare call me Mango, puppet."

"Dont call me puppet, Mango."

"Shut it!" The original Chica went and hit both Mangle and Mari with her wooden spoon, before retreating to the back of the group.

"Hello." A quieter voice said, echoing around the almost empty room.

"What the actual flip?" Shadow fell back off the chair in surprise, hitting her head on the wall behind.

"BB! Where have you been?" Mangle jumped straight for the vents, before pulling out a short boy with messy light brown hair and a red and blue striped shirt.


"Who are you?" Shadow was looking at the short child, who looked about 10.

"I'm Balloon Boy." He smiled.

"This is one of the animatronics who is usually with me and Mari." Mangle yelled, again.

Shad nodded in acknowledgement before turning back to her sketch and adding in another figure.

"What'cha drawing?" the new Bonnie moved the flashlight from the desk and stared at the paper. "Is that us?"

"Maybe..." She smiled, still going around a few of the figures, adding details.

"Do you have any batteries?" The small child appeared at the other side of the desk.

"Uh... Yeah... Why?"

"Can I have them?"

"... No?"


"You're like... ten? You'll probably swallow them and choke?"

"You sayin' kids are dumb? You're only like... Eight... yourself..."

"Yeah, I'm older than that. A lot older, actually. And I had to grow up fast."


"I... Uh-"

"BB, shut up. Its a sensitive topic for all of us." Mari pulled the shortest of the group back.

"Oh. Ohh... Got it." He smiled.

Bonnie was walking over to Shad and Mangle when he stopped suddenly, his jaw almost dropping to the floor.

"What is it, Bunny?"

"Oh my god! Chica, we found someone shorter than you!" He laughed, turning around to see the short blonde, who looked like she could rip his head off.

"What did you just say, Bunny Boy?"

"I said, duck, We found someone shorter than you!" He smiled again.

Chica reached into a pocket and revealed the wooden spoon that she continuously attacked them with.

"Oh dear lord please no! Have mercy! It's a joke, Chi!"

"I don't give one. You're making fun of my height... Again... You're calling me a duck... Again..." She said, raising the spoon above her head. Bonnie began sprinting off through the hall, Chica following him closely.

"Does this happen often?" The new Freddy asked, stepping forward to look at the drawing, "The Chi chasing the originals around, I mean?"

"I can chase you guys as well if you want?" Was the faint reply from Chica, followed by a high pitched yell from Bonnie.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass." He yelled back.

"Lucky so and so!" was the distant response,
obviously from Bonnie.

"Hey, Idiots? Calm down and come back here, please." Shadow yelled.

Minutes later, Bonnie ran in and fell to the floor, out of breath. Chica ran back in and smiled.

"Hey Shady!"

"How come he's practically dying and you're fine?"

"He," Chica poked Bonnie with a pencil while he was still on the floor, taking in large gulps if air, "Never runs. Or exercises. Come to think of it, I think the longest he's walked without a break is half a mile in two hours!"

"He doesn't walk that slowly..."

"Okay... Maybe three miles in an hour..."

"That sounds more likely..."

"He's still lazy!"

"Whatever..." She began packing her things back in her bag.

"Its not nearly six am yet, is it?" The toy animatronics seemed upset by her packing up at this point.

"Guys, its five fifty-seven! I need to go have a shower and get somr clean clothes. I'll be back before ten. I promise." She smiled, throwing her bag over her shoulder and heading towards the main door. "See you guys! I wont be long!" She yelled, before leaving the pizzeria.

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