Job Offer

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"Oh my god!" Chica was laughing, looking at her phone.

"Huh?" Shadow was just waking up "What's so funny?"

"Uh, what's this all about kiddo?"

"Huh? Foxy, what do you mean?" she turned around to see that she was still on Bonnie's lap.

"Care to explain, Shadow Afton?" Chica said, before dropping to the floor in hysterics.


"What...uh..." Bonnie was just waking up as Shadow slipped off his knee.

"Why were you asleep on the couch together?" Gold asked, giving Shadow the dead-eye

"Oh...I had a nightmare, and came down for a drink out of habit. Bonnie must have heard me 'cause he came down to reassure me. He sat me on his lap and told me everything was okay...I must've fallen asleep..." She blushed.

"Is that so..?"

"Chica...I was just worried about her. She fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb her..." Bonnie finished explaining for Shadow.

"Hhhh...Okay." Chica was reluctant to agree but she couldn't be bothered to argue...

"Imma go get changed... just give me a few minutes..." Shadow ran up to her room.

"What happened?"

"Chica, she was scared...when I came down, she was continuously repeating 'Just a nightmare...give over Shad' to herself...I reassured her."

"Oh...I see."

"And I...uh..."

"Bonnie, lad, what did you do?" Foxy joined in on the conversation and suddenly, Freddy and Gold appeared to join too.

"I uh..."
"Geez kid just spit it out!" Gold shouted

"I told her. About our...uh... A-"

" told her? A-about the animatronic thing?" Freddy's eyes were wide with fear

Bonnie nodded slowly.

"But why?" Foxy shook his head desperately "Why did you tell her?"

"She's his daughter. She deserves to know! Also, she guessed most of it! And told me information that only we know...But she said it was 'just a hunch'..."

"So...your telling us she's physic now?"

"To be fair... she is his daughter...she's gonna know something..." Foxy was quick to answer in Bonnie's defence

"So your sticking up for them now, Foxy?"

"Well somebody has to!"

"Fine...well...did you tell her about the job offer and us...uh..."

"No...I still need to mention those parts..."

"We'll do it as a group when she comes, Bonnie, me lad...uh do you wanna go get changed?" Foxy laughed as Bonnie ran into the bathroom.

He stepped out a few minutes later, now in dark jeans and a light blue shirt, covered by a purple hoodie. Shadow came downstairs seconds after in black leggings, a pastel blue shirt and a black hoodie.

"Heyo peoples." she chirped happily.

"Mornin." Foxy was trying to be polite, but his voice was shaking slightly. A few of the group looked at him and nodded, "Look kid, Bonnie told you something last night...about-"

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