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"Mornin, psycho." Maria laughed, walking into the homeroom. Foxy had gone to get a drink from the canteen, leaving Shadow alone in the classroom.

"Morning, Maria."

"So... Tell me, why did the cops come and take you the other day?"

"No reason." She said, doodling in her sketch book.

"Shadow. They never just come and take someone out of school for a friendly chat..."

"And I wouldn't call it friendly." Shad muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"None of your business?"

"Tell me. I have the right to know!"

"I have the right to keep it confidential!" She said, "And what gives you the right to ask about personal information?"

Foxy walked in, hearing the argument from down the hall.

"What are you ladies arguing about?"

"She," Maria pointed at Shadow, staring at her with disgust, "Wont tell me why the cops took her the other day."

"Well, I understand why. She would rather keep something like that confidential." He smiled.

"So, you tell him but not me?!"

"Why would I tell you? At least I can trust him. Heck, I kinda have to trust him, seen as he's staying at my place until further notice at this point."

"Whatever. I'll find out one way or another." Maria growled, turning back to her phone as the classroom began filling up with more students.

"Morning class. Next week will be your final week before the holidays, which means grades will be counted up before next Thursday. There will be no free periods next week unless there is a specific reason. I'm off home now. See ya!" And with that, the teacher walked out.

"Well... Great start to the day." Foxy said, leaning back in his chair.

"You're gonna fall..."

"Says Shady kid, who falls of tables every night!"

"Shut up! Not every night!"

"Oh, right! Sorry, every time you sit on a table!" he said loudly, before smirking.

"Lets get going... I have music all day today, surprise, surprise..."

"Guess I'm with you then."

"C'mon then, sly fox."

He smiled sarcastically at the nickname.

They reached a practise room and Shadow instantly sat at the piano. Foxy stood looking through the folders that were on the shelf above.

"Nosy, aren't ya?" Shadow looked up at him.

"No... I'm looking for your folder."

"When I already have it?" She hit him lightly with the folder. "Anyway, where are the others?"

"I don't know? What am I, psychic?"

"Close enough..." She laughed, before searching through the folder and pulling out random sheets.

"Mornin'." Bonnie walked in, his guitar strapped to his back.

"Where are the others?" Shad asked again.

"Well... Good morning, again... And Chica, Freddy and Gold! They have a project doing something else. What are we doing?"

"Mornin'. We are doing music." she said simply.

"No duh. What music, Shady?"

"Bunny boy, I already asked her that..."

"Well I wasn't here Fox."

"Guys! Chill. I'm finding the music now. Bonnie, are you playing the guitar?"

"No... I'm playing the xylophone!" He yelled sarcastically.

"Whatever... Here you go!" She handed him some papers with messy notes scrawled all over, before continuing to search the untidy folder.

"Uh... Sorry but this is a mess..."

"I know. That isn't your music. That's why its a mess! Here, this is your set." She handed him a small pile of paper.

"Look, I'm not sure if now is a good time to ask but..." Foxy looked straight at Shadow an sighed, "What did we find at the house yesterday? Who was the other guy at the pizzeria and what does all of that have to do with anything?"

"Good question." Bonnie said, turning to Shadow, expecting an explanation.

"Okay... So yesterday, we found a fair bit. Lets review. For starters, we found out that I had three siblings. Two brothers and a sister, all older than me..." She began, trying her best to explain it carefully so that she didn't confuse herself. "We also found out that there were two 'bites'. One was Jeremy, and the other, my youngest brother, still older than me. We also know that Elizabeth, my older sister, was killed by Baby, an animatronic created by either Afton or Henry. Dad's old work partner, Henry, however, was claiming he built Baby, and he then committed suicide. Recap: He said that he was sorry and that he was going to let her roam free and do as she pleases. Chloe, who I'm guessing is my mum, was killed by a drunk driver. Michael left after hearing about all of this, leaving me and my dad. We also found a variety of emails confirming different things." She concluded.

"Okay, but we need to find out what really happened. Like, why Baby was created and why your dad started killing kids."

"You say that as if its normal, Bonnie?" Foxy looked at the other boy, who was sat looking at the music sheets still.

"What, that our best friends dad started killing kids a few years go? Specifically, us kids? Yeah, thats pretty normal..." He joked, trying to lighten the mood on the topic.

"Speaking of which..." Shad seemed to be hesitant about asking the next question, "Whats your stories?"


"Like, obviously you were killed by William and I understand it might be a sensitive topic, but, if you don't mind me asking, whats your story? Were you friends before? Could there be a specific reason he chose you?"

"Uh... Well, we all went to the pizzeria every Wednesday. We kinda talked often, I guess..." Bonnie started.

"We don't know why we were picked. He kinda just came and asked us to follow him. We were, as Bunny boy said, all friends at the pizzeria. He then just... Almost killed us. Almost. Before we were dead, someone stuffed us. You heard what the phone dude said... The suits themselves are filled with crossbeams and animatronic devices, especially around the facial area, quote unquote. As spirits, we kinda had to adjust. I mean, it wasn't until recently that we began leaving the pizzeria, and that was just a few weeks after noticing that the animatronics and the spirits are basically two different entities., hence us being able to be human. I don't think it was Afton who stuffed us, though."

"Oh. Okay."

"Hey, we'll find out what happened. As you know, it was a few years ago..."

"I was wondering why he had chosen you, whether it was random or not. Something tells me it wasn't just you, though." She said as she turned back to the music sheets that lay all over a table. "C'mon. Lets get this sorted..."

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