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Music. The class wasn't so bad, it was the partnered work. Shad usually worked by herself, seen as the others had all been put into separate classes, just at the same time as her. Most of the time, she would record several instruments and put them together, however, her teacher insisted she worked in a pair.

"Sir, I can work by myself!"
"Im not saying you can't, I'm saying to give you a grade, it needs to be partnered work for this project. How about working with your cousin?"

"Mike?" He wasn't her actual cousin - he was Claires' sisters son, as far as Shad was aware.

"Yeah, he's in music tech at the minute. Go get him to partner with you. It won't take you long, and you perform first. Sorted."

She headed off to find him, and passed all the filled practise rooms on the way.

On the way back tl find a room, the class got called back, seen as no practice rooms were available, and the class was too small for all 34 students to practise.
" Instead, we will work on improv. I'll hand you and your partner a sheet of music depending on your preferred instrument, and you perform it first try as well as you can." He smiled, seemingly happy with his idea.

"Okay, class, first up is Mollie and her group, but first, Shadow, you need to go to reception. Please take your bags, and uh, Maria, go with her! Sorry, Mike."

"Yes Sir!" Maria smirked, walking past Shadow. "C'mon loser. I'll tell your little friends that you've gone home..."

"Thanks, Maria. I'm not incapable of that myself, though."

"It was just a friendly offer!" Shad shivered at the word 'friendly'.

They arrived at reception, and inside was a police officer, with a car outside and another officer sat in it.

"Shadow, I presume?" The first officer stood up as she walked through the glass doors to reception.

"Yes..." She scanned her lanyard through as the receptionist gave her a friendly smile.

"C'mon, its nothing to do with you... Well, you haven't caused what we need to talk about..." He said, opening the car door for her.


"I'll explain at the station..."


Maria walked back to the class. Upon entering, she took a seat and whispered to her friends, "The police came and she's gone with them!"


They arrived at the station, walking straight through a few rooms, before eventually sitting down in a waiting area. She sat there for quite a while, before being called into another room. She went in and took a seat across from an officer, another walking in and closing the door.

The room wasn't dark and dull. It was quite bright and spacious, with a window to the left of a relatively large table in the centre of the room. There was one seat where Shadow sat, and two officers sat across from her.

"Miss Afton, I understand you know your father killed the five or more missing children, and was arrested two years go... You were there, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Please, call me Jay. Anyway, we have some... news... on your father."

"You do?"

"Yes... But... Uh... He... He's gone."


"Your Father, William Afton... Has escaped..."

"He's... escaped?"

Jay looked at her and nodded his head slightly, a look of sympathy began spreading across his face.

"Shadow, I understand you live with Claire. However, she works nights... Correct?"

"Yes. She does..."

"We believe its not safe for you to be alone in the house... Is there any way you could have someone stay over with you. William told you he would protect you, but we believe otherwise..."

"Can I please make a call?"


She took her phone and dialled Chica's number, before putting it on speaker.

"Hey Shad! Are you okay? Where are you!?"

"Hey Chica... I'm fine, I'm at the police station..."

"What!? What happened? What have you done? What's he done?"

"Nothing... but William escaped... Look, I need to ask you a favour... Are the guys there?"

"Yeah... We're here... and we have a favour to ask as well... but go ahead..." She heard Bonnie's familiar voice echo down the line.

"Do you guys mind staying at mine for a while..? I'll explain later..."

"Well... That kinda corresponds with our favour... We were gonna ask if we could stay at yours a little longer..."

"Yes! But we need a serious talk when we all get home..."

"Got it! Look, we need to go for fourth period. Its music again, we have a practice room. We'll meet you at yours or in music, okay?"

"Sure, see yas!"

"See ya!"

She looked up and smiled. "Sorted."

"Okay, one last thing.."

"Huh? Yeah..?"

"You knew him as William, correct?"

"He changed his name a while before the murders. His name was Vincent Afton.... Just so you know."

"Oh... okay..." She bowed her head and shook it slightly.

"Would you like to go back to school?"
"Yes, please."


She walked to the music rooms. Foxy, Chica and Bonnie were all in one of the rooms, waiting for Freddy and Gold.

"Hey..." She walked in and closed the door. As she turned around, Chica launched herself over the room to give Shad a hug.

"Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine! But William, uh Vincent, escaped. He changed his name to William after the murders, but he is officially called Vincent now, like before... The cops don't think I'm safe to be alone; not with him on the loose, anyway. So you guys are free to stay. Also, Claire has a business meeting, but she'll be staying at a hotel there for about a month. Last thing... When we get home, after we've picked up your guys' things, we need some rules for the house! Got it?" The others nodded. Freddy and Gold walked in and caught up on the conversation quickly.

The lesson ended shortly after, and the group began walking 'home', ready for the fun and trauma that lay ahead...

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